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Global Security Initiative and China-Africa Security cooperation
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Long-term Trends and Emerging Fields of China-Africa Industrial Cooperation
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From Racial Politics to Interest Politics:The Evolution of Opposition Parties' Participation in Electoral Politics in...
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The Value Connotation of Mao Zedong Thought in the Practice of Sino-Africa Diplomacy
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India's Strategic Layout and Intentions of Maritime Cooperation with Africa
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IR Theoretical Contributions: Concepts, Categories and Levels
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The Construction of China-ASEAN Blue Economic Partnership after RCEP Taking Effect
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The Role of Oil in the Middle East War: Controversy, Evolutionary Logic and Reality
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The Construction of a Community with Shared Future between China and Africa from the Perspective of Exchanges and Mut...
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The History, Current Situation and Enlightenment of UK Investment in Africa
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Sixty Years of China-Africa Health Security Cooperation: History, Achievements and Prospects
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Contribution of global development initiatives to sustainable development
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Evolution and Patterns of French Security Assistance to Africa
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The Biden Administration's Israel Policy: Seeking a New Balance
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China’s Practice of Innovative ‘Development Plus Market’ Trilateral Cooperation
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Rwanda: The rising star of African
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Between Continents: The Evolution of Red Sea Historiography