贺 鉴 李晨博
【关键词】拜登政府 美以关系 中东 多边关系
Abstract: Since Joe Biden took office, there have been remarkable changes in the U.S. policy towards Israel. The Biden administration has adjusted its previous partiality for Israel, bringing U.S.-Israeli relations back to a normal level, to maintain the balance of power with other parties and appease its Arab allies in the Middle East. The U.S. has influenced Middle East allies and friendly countries to maintain U.S. dominance in the Middle East. It has intended to restart negotiations and impose restrictions on Iran, the geostrategic rival in the Middle East, by re-signing the Iran Nuclear Agreement, thus reallocating strategic resources in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific. The Biden administration's new Israeli policy will significantly impact Israel's external strategic environment.
Keywords: the Biden administration, U.S.-Israeli relations, new balance in the Middle East