贺鉴 王筱寒
[内容提要] 莫迪政府执政以来,印度从自身战略利益出发,不断加强对非海洋合作,逐步形成一系列机制,划定涵盖西印度洋非洲和西部非洲沿海国家的合作版图,并确立以议题导向为主的海洋合作方式莫迪政府深化对非海洋合作的意图是谋求成为“全球南方”的领导者和印度洋“净安全提供者”,获取印度洋的主导地位,并争取非洲国家的支持和信任,获得“入常票仓”的关键支持。印度对非海洋合作的推进正在改变印度对非外交的战略重点和方向,加速印度洋地缘政治格局的演变,推动全球海洋治理模式的多元化。
[关键词] 印度 莫迪政府 印非关系 海洋合作 海洋战略
Abstract:Since the Modi government came to power, India has strengthened its maritime cooperationwith Africa for its strategic interests, forming a series of mechanisms, delineating thecooperation landscape covering Africa in the West Indian Ocean and West African coastacountries, and establishing an agenda-oriented approach for maritime cooperation. With theintention of becoming the leader of the Global South and the “Net Security Provider” in theIndian Ocean where it can play a dominant role in, and winning the support and trust of Africancountries to obtain the key backing of the vote-rich countries that hold permanent seats on theUnited Nations Security Council, the Modi government has deepened maritime cooperation withAfrica. India's maritime cooperation with Africa is changing the strategic focus and directionof India's diplomacy with Africa, accelerating the evolution of the geopolitical landscape in theIndian Ocean and promoting the diversification ofthe global maritime governance model.
Keywords:India, Modi government, India-Africa relations, maritime cooperation, maritime strategy
本文载于《现代国际关系》2024 年第 5 期