贺鉴 王筱寒
摘 要:作为中国首先提出和积极推动、各国参与的倡议,蓝色经济伙伴关系是大变局下完善全球海洋治理的中国方案。中国-东盟蓝色经济伙伴关系具有重大的安全意义,其开放性和创新性显著,是中国倡导引领与东盟参与塑造的合作伙伴关系,在理念、机制、方法层面拥有丰富内涵。威胁认知、共同利益和合作机制是影响中国-东盟蓝色经济伙伴关系建构的三个重要变量。RCEP生效将弱化中国-东盟彼此威胁认知,扩大共同利益,持续释放政策红利。中国-东盟蓝色经济伙伴关系的建构将迎来时代机遇。在RCEP生效这一新的历史起点上,中国和东盟应通过多种途径推动蓝色经济伙伴关系的建构,最终实现蓝色伙伴关系和海洋命运共同体的建构。
Abstract: As an initiative first proposed and actively promoted by China, with the participation of the Southeast Asian countries con-cerned, the blue economy partnership is the "Chinese solution" for the improvement of global ocean governance under the circum-a great change. The China -ASEAN blue economic partnership has great security significance, and its openness and innova-stances oftion are remarkable. It is a cooperative partnership advocated by China and participated in by ASEAN countries. It has rich connota-tions in terms ofconcepts, mechanisms, and methods. Threat perception, common interests and cooperation mechanism are three im-portant variables affecting the construction of China - ASEAN blue economic partnership. The entry into force of RCEP will reduce Chi-na-ASEAN mutual threat perception, expand common interests, and continue to release policy dividends. The construction of China-ASEAN blue economic partnership will usher in opportunities of the times. At the new historical starting point of RCEP's entry intoforce, China and ASEAN should promote the construction of blue economic partnerships through various channels, and finally realizethe construction of blue partnerships and a maritime community of shared future.
Keywords: RCEP; China; ASEAN; blue economy partnership; international cooperation