Support Staff with Pedagogical Publishing

Support Staff with Pedagogical Publishing

Pedagogical Publishing Support programme (PPS)

What is the PPS?

  • A free programme led by EDU for XJTLU academic staff based on achievements resulting from PGCert publications or anyone interested in publishing in this area;
  • It is aimed at the development of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), pedagogical research, research-led learning, and teaching innovations;
  • A of pedagogical research development between department teacher and educational developer; and
  • It has broader impacts within your discipline and higher education.

PPS will help you:

  • see how you can turn into publication;
  • choose your pedagogical research idea; and
  • target on most suitable outcome of your research.

PPS in three stages:
Stage 1 Before doing the pedagogical research

  • Research awareness, value awareness and motivation

Stage 2  During the pedagogical research

  • Research idea
  • Research action

Stage 3  Getting ready for pedagogical publishing

  • Publication support

Details of the support service

Aims of service Guiding questions for actions EDU services (present and future)
Research awareness, value awareness and motivation • What is pedagogical research?
• Why should teachers do action research?
• What is research-led teaching and learning?
• EDU PPS Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) page (recommended)
• PGCert assessments
Research idea • What (practical) problem do you want to solve in teaching and learning?
• Why is this problem interesting/meaningful to you, your students, XJTLU and beyond?
• What solution(s) can be addressed?
• How can the solution(s) be relevant to pedagogies and teaching theories?
Research action • What is your research design?
• What are the challenges in your research design?
• Do you need a co-investigator?
• PPS one-on-one consultation and co-authorship (recommended)
• EDU PPS-themed CPD workshops
• Community of Practice
Publication support • Where do you want to publish your research?
• What type of publication are you considering?
• What other support do you need, i.e. looking for a co-author, consultant, reviewer, resource?
• EDU PPS consultations & co-authorship
•  EDU PPS VLE page
•  EDU PPS-themed CPD workshops

EDU PPS consultants

  • EDU Educational Developers (Core)
  • University of Liverpool academic staff (academic developers, departmental professors)
  • XJTLU academic staff through Community of Practice


Q: Am I ready for PPS?

A: Start with the reflective survey on the EDU PPS VLE page

Q: How do I get started?

A: Start with self-exploration of the EDU PPS VLE page. Then come and talk to a consultant!

Q: Do I need to complete a PGCert to use PPS?

A: No!

Q: How much time do I need to spend on pedagogical publishing?

A: This mostly depends on your expectations and the existing work. Your consultant could help with a rough calculation.

Q: What matters the most in attending the PPS programme?

A: Your passion for teaching and learning!