The Stomatological Hospital
The Stomatological Hospital (College)

The Stomatological Hospital (College) of Xi'an Jiaotong University was founded in 1985, formerlyknown as the Department of Stomatology of the Second Affiliated Hospital ofXi'an Medical College. The establishment of the Department of Stomatology ofXi'an Medical University was approved by the Ministry of Health in 1975. Thename was then changed to the Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Xi'an MedicalUniversity in 1985. The College of Stomatology was established in 1991. Itsname was changed to the College of Stomatology (the Stomatology hosptial) ofXi'an Jiaotong University in 2000, since Xi'an Medical University merged withXi’an Jiaotong University.      

The Stomatological Hospital (College) of Xi'an Jiaotong University is affiliated to the Ministryof Health, it’s a specialized stomatological hospital, including teaching,clinical care, scientific research and Preventive health care. It also act asthe northwest stomatology teacher training center, the base of continuingmedical education of the Ministry of Health, and the quality control center forstomatology in Shaanxi Province.The hospital has 430 staff, among them thereare 65 professors and associate professors, 120 obtained Ph.D. or masterdegrees, 4 Ph.D. mentors, 23 Master degree mentors.The Stomatological Hospitalof Xi’an Jiaotong University is a “three-A grade” specialized stomatologyhospital in Shaanxi Province. The hospital has 210 dental chairs and 76 wardbeds with modern dental diagnostic and therapeutic equipments. The hospitalowns 180 million RMB of fixed assets. The hospital has 10 clinical departments:Endodontics, Periodontal & Mucosal Disease, Pediatric Dentistry, PreventiveDentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (including Departments of AlveolarSurgery, Maxillofacial Trauma and Plastic Surgery, Head and Neck oncology),Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Comprehensive Emergency, Dental Implant, and VIPdental Clinic.    

The Department ofOral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the Key Discipline Unit of Shaanxi Province,the Department of Prosthodontics and Department of Endodontics, PeriodontalMucosal Disease and Pediatric Dentistry are the dominant disciplines unit ofShaanxi Province. There are 6 medical technological and auxiliary sectionsincluding Department of oral and maxillofacial imaging, Pharmacy, OralPathology, Clinical Laboratory, Oral Technical Engineering and Sterilizationand Supply Center.    

There are 5 Teachingand Research Departments including Oral Medicine, Oral & MaxillofacialSurgery, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, and Oral Preventive Medicine in theCollege of Stomatology of Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center. Thedepartment of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery was one of the first batch ofdepartments that authorized master traning station. The college offers 5-yearbachelor degree programs, 7-year bachelor & master degree program, 3-yearmaster degree program, Ph.D. program and multi-level continuing medicaleducation programs for all over the world.    

The hospital getsmore than 80 funded research projects by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, national "863" project and Shaanxi provincegovernment in the past three years. The hospital has invested more than 5million RMB to build the Stomatological Research Center for basic medicineresearch and clinical stomatological research. The Center has built up a fullyequipped stomatological "cellular and molecular biology" researchplatform. Researches in the animal experiment, cell culture, protein andnucleic acid molecules can be carried out in the Center.  

The hospital hasdeveloped academic exchange and cooperation with universities, researchinstitutes and medical institutions in nationwide and abroad. The hospital hasestablished collaboration with the academic community and medical institutionsin the United States, Japan, Germany, Canada, Norway and other countries.





© Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center No.76 Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
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