Xi’an JiaotongUniversity Forensic Sciences, currently with authorization sites of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Science ofForensic Sciences and a post-doctoral research station, was initiallyestablished by Chinese distinguished forensic scientist Prof. Hu Bingwei in1953. As the first forensic school and a pioneer in China, School of ForensicMedicine was founded in 1996 and later was entitled Provincial Key ConstructiveSubject and Key Laboratory in 1997. It has been the only Forensic KeyLaboratory in China built up together by Ministry of Health, Ministry of PublicSecurity, and Supreme People’s Court since 1999. With the first Forensic StateKey Subject approved by Ministry of Education in 2001, it is also the onlyState Forensic Practitioner Training Center.
Through thecontinuous cultivation and introduction of talents, School of Forensic Medicineowns a group of teaching staff with the reasonable age and knowledge storage,premium professional competence, highly-intensive cohesion and superiorcapacity. Integrated with National Innovative System Constructive Plan,targeting to national and local eager need to the construction of legal system,based on advantages of forensic studies, we actively promote interdisciplinaryresearch and burgeoning subjects in order to support the development of Chineseforensic sciences and judicial application, and gradually establish threeresearch fields—Forensic Genomics, Toxication and Addiction Mechanism, andForensic Innovative Technologic System. The research on Genomic Polymorphism ofChinese Ethnic Groups, Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Drug Dependence,Drug toxicology testing analysis and etc. are regarded as features.
Forensic Sciencesdevelop rapidly and soundly over more than 60 years, and School of ForensicMedicine plays a significant role on leading the construction of ChineseForensic Sciences, advancing the quality of fostering talents, scientificinnovation and community service, and activating the improvement of nationalforensic education and national innovative system.
© Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center No.76 Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
TEL: 86-29-82655011 FAX: 86-29-82655032 E-mail: yxyleader@mail.xjtu.edu.cn