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Having 20yearshistory, the School of Nursing, Xi’an Jiaotong University is one of thebestplaces to provide university-based nursing education programs in China.Themain purpose of the school is to educate modern nurses who can playimportantparts in nursing administration, nursing education, nursing research,advancedclinical nursing and community health nursing.
The School ofNursingwas established in March, 1987, which offers undergraduate, graduate,andcontinuing education nursing programs. The bachelor program enrollsnewstudents coming from senior high school for its five-year curriculum. In1994,a three-year long masters program was set up at the University.Meanwhile,there is also a continuing education program for teachers from thesecondarynursing school and hospitals who receive an associate degree uponfinishing theprogram.
The Schoolof Nursing has already educatedabout 145 master graduates, 355 bachelorgraduates and 84 associate degreegraduates. At present, there are 268 studentsstudying and all of the graduatedstudents were hired into the nursing field.The faculties and students areworking hard to make it the advanced nursingcenter in China and to take animportant role in professional development ofnursing in China.
The schoolhas long term cooperation programswith many countries and areas of the world,such as the United States, Canada,Australia, Japan, Thailand, SouthKorea and Hong Kong. In 1993, Xi’an JiaotongUniversity worked with Chiang MaiUniversity and other Chinese key nationalmedical universities to conduct theProgram of High Nursing EducationDevelopment (POHNED), which is supported bythe China Medical Board of New York.This program is the keystone of highernursing education in China and has aprofound influence for the development ofnursing profession in China. Thegraduates of the program are playing veryimportant leadership roles in nursingprofession; therefore, it was regarded asthe “West Point of Nursing in China”.
© Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center No.76 Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
TEL: 86-29-82655011 FAX: 86-29-82655032 E-mail: yxyleader@mail.xjtu.edu.cn