The Second Affiliated Hospital
The Second Affiliated Hospital

In 1937, theAnti-Japanese War broke out. Peking University School of Medicine movedwestward and established a hospital in Xi'an named as Temporary Xi'anUniversity School of Medicine that was the earliest University-affiliatedHospital engaging in modern higher clinical education in Northwest China.Subsequently the hospital was renamed several times as National Northwest UnionUniversity Medical College Affiliated Hospital (1938), National NorthwestMedical College Affiliated Hospital (1939), Second Affiliated Hospital ofNorthwest Medical College (in 1956, the First Affiliated Hospital being foundedby separation), the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical College, theSecond Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University (in 1985, the AffiliatedStomatology Hospital being founded by separation), the Second Hospital of Xi'anJiaotong University (2000). In 2014 the hospital was officially renamed as theSecond Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University.      

In retrospect, numbers of well-known expertsand professors made great contribution to the hospital glorious history. ProfessorLiu WeiTong was one of the founders of Chinese modern Dermatology andVenereology. Professor Liu FuRen was one of the pioneers and outstandingrepresentatives in Chinese modern Dermatology and Venereology. Professor ZhangNaiHua who created the laryngostroboscope technology was the pioneer of ENTdiscipline in Northwest region. Professor Liu XinMin who was the founder ofophthalmology department of the hospital launched the first corneal transplantsurgery in China. Professor Wang ShiChen was the first to use large dosevitamin C to treat severe acute Keshan disease and achieved a significanteffect in the late 1950s, which was honored as the milestone in the history ofKeshan disease treatment and awarded the Klaus Schwarz prize by theInternational Association of biological inorganic chemist. The first case ofskin tube transplantation of nasal reconstruction in China was successfullyimplemented in the hospital in 1957. The second case of limb replantation in Chinawas performed in the hospital in October 1963, arousing national enthusiasticresponses.    

Currently, thehospital has more than 3,600 staff, including 165 professors and 260 associatedprofessors or more, and is equipped with 1650 rated inpatient beds but actuallywith 2300 beds. There are more than 1.8 million emergency patients andoutpatients, 79,000 inpatients and 32,000 patients undergoing surgery with average9.74 day hospital stay in 2014.  

The hospital takes the responsibility ofproviding teaching for more than 300 postdoctoral, doctoral, graduate,eight-year, seven-year, and five-year undergraduate medical students annually.It has won 1 National Classic Course (Diagnostics), 4 Provincial-levelExcellent Courses (Dermatology and Venereology, Pediatrics, Otolaryngology Headand Neck Surgery, and Emergency Medicine), and 2 University-level ExcellentCourses (Ophthalmology and Neurology), has developed a National-level ClinicalSkills Practice Teaching Demonstration Center, and has achieved the first batchof approval of National Resident Standardization Training Base. Three nationalacademic peer-reviewed journals have been run by the hospital, includingDermatology and Venereology, China EMBASE - Skin Science and Chinese Journal ofChild Health Care. The hospital has more than 150 master supervisors and 45 PhDsupervisors, 4 experts with Outstanding Contribution to Ministry of Health, 4young experts with Outstanding Contribution to Ministry of Health, 2 awarded NewCentury Excellent Talents, 48 beneficiaries enjoying National or ProvincialSpecial Government Subsidy, 7 Shaanxi Province "Sanqin Talents", 1Xi'an Jiaotong University "Take-off Talent", 3 Xi'an JiaotongUniversity "Top Young Talents", 1 Shaanxi Province Famous Old Doctorof Traditional Chinese Medicine, 3 instructors for ideological inherit ofnational old Chinese medicine academic experience, 2 instructors forideological inherit of Shaanxi province old Chinese medicine academicexperience, 1 vice chairman serving in international academic organization, 1chair and 10 vice chair serving in national academic organizations, 10 chairand 63 vice-chair serving in Shaanxi Provincial Medical Association, 3 chairand 34 vice chair in Shaanxi Provincial Cancer Society, 7 chair and 12 vicechair in Shaanxi Provincial Rehabilitation Institute, 5 chair and 33 vice chairin Xi’an Medical Association.    

The hospital owns national key clinicaldisciplines (including Dermatology, Urology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology,Respiratory, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Otolaryngology, SpecialistNursing, Endemics, TCM kidney disease), Shaanxi provincial key medicinedisciplines (including Dermatology, Orthopedics, General Surgery,Otorhinolaryngology, Respiratory Medicine, Hematology, TCM kidney disease),Specialist Quality Control Center of Shaanxi Province (including the Centersfor ENT diseases, Digestive diseases, Skin diseases and sexually transmitteddiseases, Medical ultrasound, Emergency diseases, Pediatric Surgery diseases),and a Ministry of Health four-level Training Base for Gynecologic EndoscopicSurgery. Besides, 6 academic or medical agencies are consigned to the hospital,including Shaanxi Branch of China Association of Rehabilitation Medicine,National Project Designated Hospital of Cochlear Surgery for Rescue andRehabilitation of Deaf Children in Poverty, National Local JointBio-Engineering Research Center of bio-diagnostics and biotherapy, NationalDrug Clinical Trial Institution, Shaanxi Provincial key laboratory ofgastrointestinal motility disorders, Shaanxi Province Blindness PreventionSteering Team office.  

The hospital has been well equipped with anumber of advanced high-Tech medical equipment, such as Dual-Source Photon CTthat is the only one in Northwest Region, the first domestic clinical appliedCodamotion active infrared three-dimensional motion capture system.    

The hospital was awarded as Chinese PublicGeneral Hospital Society Contribution Top 50 in 2011 and 2012. It won thesecond prize in the Fourth ClinicalSkills Competition of National Medical College Students in 2013. It wasenrolled in the list of National Top 100 Hospitals ranked by Fudan University,authorized the title of Publicly Reliable Model Hospital in China and the titleof National General Hospital TCM Demonstration Unit, reelected as the NationalTop 100 Excellent Hospital, and honored as Shaanxi Province Civilized UnitModel in 2014.





© Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center No.76 Yanta West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi
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