

Our Network

We believe that what happens in education here is of interest to the rest of the world, with Chinese schools across this area coming close to the top of rankings of some international assessments of educational achievement. Leaders of international schools in particular provide a critical link between Chinese education for China and international education in China. The Network can be a strong basis for the Centre but also a strong voice in its own right on what quality education in China and beyond can and should be. While the Centre is a platform for the Network to discuss and exchange knowledge, practices and experiences, we also intend to provide platforms for members to showcase their practices internationally.

Our Activities

The Centre will provide a designated space on its website for members, with online services such as a designated database, discussion forum and other functionalities.

The Centre will provide periodic meetings of its members, including three-monthly in-person meetings at XJTLU, in a space and with refreshments provided by the Centre.

The Centre may organise online events, such as webinars, where researchers may engage with leaders and provide access to specialised lectures and privileged access to research findings.

The Centre intends to organise yearly study trips to (other) top schools, think tanks, research institutes and possibly international organisations abroad to support leaders’ professional development.

How can I become a member?

You will have to be a leader of an international school in China, in particular Jiangsu, Shanghai or Zhejiang.

You will have to have a commitment to educational innovation and innovation in educational leadership.

There is no cost associated with becoming a member, although there may be a cost associated with some activities of the Centre.

You will have to complete and sign a membership form. To request this form, please write to the Centre email ( with subject: ‘CSLEI Network application’.