South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research
South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research at Yunnan University (SWIFAR-YNU) was founded in September 2017. It serves as a major part of the University’s special discipline zone for astronomy, set up according to the “Yunnan University Development Plan for World-Class University” and “Yunnan University Development Plan for World-Class Astronomy Discipline”.
通过延聘国际知名科学家和杰出青年学者,研究所致力于推动天文学基础研究。研究所现有全职研究人员21人,研究领域涉及星际介质、恒星及星团、银河系和近邻星系、星系和星系团、宇宙大尺度结构、宇宙学、高能天体物理。研究所近场宇宙学研究团队是基于国家大科学装置郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST)大规模银河系光谱巡天及科学研究的主要组织者和实施者。宇宙学团队在基于弱引力透镜效应开展宇宙学研究方面有重要影响,与国内外同行建立了广泛的合作,包括国际Euclid巡天项目组、KiDS巡天项目组、CFHT Stripe 82巡天项目组、VOICE巡天项目组等。该团队同时也是我国首个微波背景观测项目AliCPT的重要成员。高能团队主要从事致密星物理及高能爆发现象的研究,包括快速射电暴、引力波电磁对应体、黑洞的吸积和喷流等,积极参与国内FAST快速射电暴等项目。
By bringing in internationally renowned scientists as well as excellent young researchers, SWIFAR-YNU is dedicated to advance fundamental research for astronomy. The Institute currently has eleven full-time faculty members, specialized in studies of the interstellar medium, stars and stellar clusters, the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, galaxies and galaxy clusters, the large scale structure of the universe, cosmology and high-energy astrophysics. The SWIFAR-YNU near-field cosmology research group is the leading scientific organizer and undertaker of the huge LAMOST Galactic Spectroscopic Surveys. The deep-field cosmology research group spearheads the cosmological applications of the weak-lensing effects, and is actively engaged in a number of international collaborative projects such as the Euclid, KiDS, CFHT Stripe-82 and VOICE surveys. The group is also a key member of the first national cosmic microwave background project AliCPT. The high-energy research group focuses on the physics of compact objects and high-energy phenomena, including fast radio bursts, electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, accretion disks and jets of black holes, and is a member of the FAST FRB key project.
SWIFAR-YNU is devoted to the national astronomy research capability development. Observing facilities currently under construction or development include the Yunnan University 50cm Photometric Telescope Array, the 1.6m Multi-Channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto). In collaboration with the Astronomy Department of Yunnan University, the Institute plans to build a high-performance computation and astronomical data centre.
SWIFAR-YNU organizes national and international conferences and workshops to exchange results and ideas of astronomy research hot topics. The Institute welcomes national and international academic visitors for exchange and collaboration. It builds vibrant and creative academic and cultural environments by organizing a variety of routine academic activities (weekly lunch talks and seminars, daily tea-break discussions etc.)
SWIFAR-YNU recruits and trains graduates leading to master and PhD degrees in astrophysics, and mentors postdoctoral research fellows. In collaboration with the Astronomy Department, the Institute is also engaged in astronomy undergraduate teaching and training.