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斯隆数字巡天项目始于1998年,目前已经完成四个阶段巡天(分别称为SDSS, SDSS-II,SDSS-III和SDSS-IV)。它由美国天体物理研究协会(ARC)主导运行。巡天的主要设备包括位于新墨西哥州太阳城阿帕奇点天文台(Apache Point Observatory)的2.5 米望远镜以及相关的成像和光谱仪器。为了观测银河系的中心区域以及南半球天区,自2017年开始,在智利拉斯坎帕纳斯天文台(Las Campanas Observatory)的2.5米英寸杜邦望远镜也已投入使用。
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has been in operation since 1998, in four prior phases (termed SDSS, SDSS-II, SDSS-III, and SDSS-IV). It is operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC) and uses a dedicated 2.5-m telescope with associated imaging and spectroscopic instrumentation at Apache Point Observatory, in Sunspot, New Mexico. To observe the central regions of the Milky Way and the southern sky, it began operations in 2017 at the 100-inch du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile.
SDSS持续的重大科学影响、对天体物理学不同领域做出杰出贡献的能力,以及当前和今后的高效运作,为下一步迈入 SDSS-V 期新阶段奠定了坚实的基础。SDSS-V巡天(https://www.sdss5.org/)计划从2020年年中开始, 2025 年年中结束(一共五年),将依托新研发的设备开展三个核心课题的探索和研究:1)银河系描绘计划(The Milky Way Mapper)将对数百万颗恒星进行红外光谱观测,提升对银河系集成历史的理解,促进恒星物理以及行星领域的发展;2)黑洞探索计划(The Black Hole Mapper)将利用下一代 X 射线卫星对类星体和 X 射线源进行长期监测,研究超大质量黑洞的性质及其演化;3)本星系群探索计划(The Local Volume Mapper)将在南北半球同时利用宽场 IFU 设备对近邻星系进行光学积分场光谱学(IFS)巡天,验证当前主流星系形成和演化理论。
The combination of the continuing significant scientific impact of SDSS, the ability to make contributions to diverse fields of astrophysics, and the effectiveness of current and future operations provides the basis to continue for a new phase called SDSS-V (https://www.sdss5.org/). SDSS-V on-mountain operations extend from mid-2020 to mid-2025 (five years) and include a combination of three core programs, which will utilize newly developed infrastructure and instruments. The Milky Way Mapper will conduct infrared spectroscopy of millions of stars, to chart and interpret our Galaxy’s history, and to understand the astrophysics of stars and their relation to planets. The Black Hole Mapper will monitor quasars and X-ray sources from next-generation X-ray satellites to teach us about the physics and evolution of supermassive black holes. The Local Volume Mapper will implement a wide-field IFU spectroscopy facility in both hemispheres; with it, it will conduct an optical Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) survey of our Galaxy and its neighbors, placing the Milky Way in context and testing modern theories of star and galaxy formation.
云南大学目前已经作为正式机构成员加入了 SDSS-V项目,这将显著提高云南大学的国际合作水平。考虑到 SDSS-V 和 Mephisto 巨大的合作潜能,云南大学参与 SDSS-V 项目也将同时提升这两个巡天项目的国际影响力。研究所刘晓为教授是云南大学在 SDSS-V 咨询委员会中的代表,黄样副教授是云南大学参与方的首席科学家,陈丙秋副教授是云南大学合作委员会代表。云南大学将有权访问和获取所有 SDSS-V 的巡天数据开展科学研究。
Currently, Yunnan University has joined in SDSS-V as a full institutional member, which provides an excellent opportunity to enhance our international collaboration levels. Considering the potential synergy between SDSS-V and Mephisto, this can also promote the scientific influence of the two surveys. Prof. Xiaowei Liu represents YNU on the SDSS-V Advisory Council, Prof. Yang Huang is the Lead Scientist (LS) for YNU participation, and Prof. Bingqiu Chen is the collaboration council (CoCo) representative for YNU. YNU will have access to all SDSS-V survey data.