科普报告 Public Lectures
Public Lectures
19:00, 2023.04.25 群星都是我们的世界:从最近的三次天文诺奖看其发展 (天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:国家天文台苟利军研究员)Stars are Our World (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Lijun Gou from NAOC)
19:00, 2019.11.28 看见黑洞(天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:Rusen Lu, SHAO)See Black Hole (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Rusen Lu from SHAO)
19:00, 2019.11.22 关于暗物质我们知道了什么?(天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:Charling Tao, CNRS)What do we know about Dark Matter? (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Charling Tao from CNRS)
19:00, 2019.11.12 古代天文学对人类发展史的影响(天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:Sun Kwok, Hong Kong University)The effects of ancient astronomy on the history of human development (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Sun Kwok from Hong Kong University)
14:30, 2019.10.11 引力波探秘(天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:南京大学戴子高教授)Mysterious Gravitational Wave (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Zigao Dai from Nanjing University)
19:00, 2019.06.20 气态行星研究的昨天、今天和明天(天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:上海天文台孔大力研究员) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow for Gaseous Planet Researches (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Dali Kong from SHAO)
19:00, 2019.05.27 穿越130亿年的星际旅行 (天文楼1号楼报告厅,报告人:国家天文台李海宁副研究员) Interstellar travel through 13 billion years (Auditorium, SWIFAR Building, Speaker: Prof. Haining Li from NAOC)
19:00, 2018.12.05 系外行星与地外生命寻找史 (信息学院报告厅,报告人:国家天文台苟利军研究员) Search history of exoplanets and extraterritorial life (Lecture Hall of School of Information, Speaker: Prof. Lijun Gou from NAOC)
19:00, 2018.05.03 百年现代物理学、引力波和慧眼天文卫星 (信息学院报告厅,报告人:中国科学院高能物理研究所张双南教授)Centennial modern physics, gravitational wave and HXMT (Lecture Hall of School of Information, Speaker: Prof. Shuangnan Zhang from IHEP, CAS)