时间 Time |
报告人 Speaker |
报告题目 Topic |
地点 Place |
2019.12.26 03:00 pm
Jun Yang (CTH)
暂现源的极高分辨率射电天文观测研究的国际动态 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.12.26 03:00 pm
Qi Guo (NAOC)
Small galaxies, big challenges |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.12.10 03:00 pm
Suoqing Ji (Caltech)
The Cosmic Ray-Dominated Circumgalactic Medium |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.12.05 03:00 pm
Chao Liu (NAOC)
Evidence of dynamical processing of the field binary stars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.12.04 03:00 pm
Weimin Yuan (NAOC)
The science of the Einstein Probe mission --- enabling discoveries in time-domain astronomy |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.28 03:00 pm
Rusen Lu (SHAO)
Seeing the invisible: imaging nearby supermassive black holes with (sub)mm-VLBI |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.27 03:00 pm
Juergen Schmitt (Hamburg Univ.) |
The CARMENES search for extrasolar planets around M stars |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.26 03:00 pm
Laurent Pagani (CNRS, France) |
The Complexity of Orion: An ALMA view |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.21 03:00 pm
Linhua Jiang (PKU)
A Magellan M2FS Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies at Redshift >= 6 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.11 03:00 pm
Sun Kwok (HKU)
Organic Matter in the Universe |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.07 03:00 pm
Bo Zhang (SHAO)
射电星的VLBI天体测量 |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.11.01 10:00 am
Ang Li (Xiamen Univer)
Neutron star and quark star: What is the matter state at exceedingly high density |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.31 03:00 pm
David Mota (University of Oslo)
Cosmological and Astrophysical probes of Gravity Theories beyond General Relativity |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.25 03:00 pm
Toshi Futamase (Tohoku Univ.)
Constraining neutrino mass and dark energy with peculiar velocities and lensing dispersions of Type Ia supernovae |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.23 13:00 pm
Giovanni Covonne (Napoli) |
Studying the large scale structure around galaxy clusters with weak gravitational lensing |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.23 10:00 am
Thomas Hackman (Helsinki)
Observing stellar dynamos in action |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.16 03:00 pm
Xiaohui Fan (Arizona Univ.) |
Extreme Quasars During the Cosmic Dawn |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.17 03:00 pm
Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden Univ.) |
Zooming in on protoplanetary disks with ALMA |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.10.11 10:00 am
Zigao Dai (Nanjing Univ.)
Binary Neutron Star Mergers |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.09.27 10:00 am
Jifeng Liu (NAOC)
Large sample of black hole mass distribution |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.09.30 03:00 pm
Gayoung Chon (Munchi)
Structural studies of the ICM in galaxy clusters |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.09.19 10:00 am
Ye Xu (PMO)
The Spiral Structure of the Milky Way |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.09.03 04:00 pm
Gerhard Hensler (Vienna University)
The formation and survival of Tidal-tail Dwarf Galaxies |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.08.28 03:00 pm
Jenny Wanger (Heidelberg University)
Model-independent strong gravitational lensing and its applications in cosmology and galaxy evolution |
SWIFAR Building 2111
2019.08.13 03:00 pm
Xingjiang Zhu (Monash University)
Pulsars, gravitational waves and fuzzy dark matter |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.07.16 03:00 pm
Dong Lai (Cornell University)
Circumbinary Accretion: From Supermassive Binary Black Holes to Circumbinary Planets |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.07.04 03:00 pm
Lan Wang (NAOC)
The clustering of galaxies with pseudo-bulge and classical bulge in the local Universe |
SWIFAR Building 2317
03:00 pm
Jie Wang (NAOC)
Some Progress on Cosmic Structure Formation
SWIFAR Building 2317 |
03:00 pm
Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University)
Astrophysical Black Holes: A Review
SWIFAR Building 2317 |
2019.06.21 03:00 pm
Huirong Yan (Postdam University)
Turbulence and its Astrophysical Implications |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.20 03:00 pm
Muinonen Karri Olavi (University of Helsinki)
Scattering and absorption of light in planetary regoliths |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.13 03:00 pm
张鹏杰 (上海交通大学) Pengjie Zhang (Shanghai JiaoTong University)
Weak lensing beyond cosmic shear |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.10 03:00 pm
薛永泉 (中国科学技术大学) Yongquan Xue (USTC)
The Chandra Deep Fields: Enabling a Wide Spectrum of Exciting Science |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.06 03:00 pm
王伟 (武汉大学) Wei Wang (Wuhan University)
Probe of Supernova Progenitors with Gamma-rays |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.05 03:00 pm
Tao An (SHAO)
SKA区域中心的现状及中国SKA数据中心原型机研究进展 Current Situation of SKA Regional Center and Research Progress of SKA Data Center Prototype in China |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.04 03:00 pm
Hayato Shimabukuro (Tsinghua University)
21cm signal analysis with artificial neural networks |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.04 10:00 am
Haoran Yu (Shanghai JiaoTong University)
Cosmological simulations and recent applications |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.06.03 03:00 pm
Takuya Akahori (NAOJ)
Magnetism: Challenge to its Origin and Evolution in Our Universe |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.30 03:00 pm
Yifu Cai (USTC)
An Overview on Cosmic Acceleration of the present Universe: Dark Energy & f(T) Gravity |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.29 10:00 am
Sami M. Dib (NBIA & MPIA)
The 1001 modes of Star Formation |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.28 10:00 am
Chandra Bahadur Singh (Tel Aviv University)
Accretion-Ejection Processes around Black Holes (Highlights and Future Plans) |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.23 03:00 pm
Jirong Mao (YNAO)
Polarization of relativistic electrons in both ordered & large-scale and random & small-scale magnetic field |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.09 03:00 pm
Thijs Kouwenhoven (XJTLU)
Planetary systems in star clusters |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.05.07 02:00 pm
Oleg Tsupko
Gravitational lensing in plasma |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.30 02:00 pm
Oleg Tsupko
Black hole shadow |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.24 02:00 pm
Wei Cui (Tsinghua University)
Probing Hot Circumgalactic and Intergalactic Gas with High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.24 10:00 am
Hua-bai Li (CUHK)
Tai Chi Inspired by Star Formation |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.18 03:00 pm
Wenping Chen (National Central University)
Dwindle, Dwindle Little Stars - Hunting for Substellar Objects Young and Old Rich and Poor |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.18 10:00 am
Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University)
Testing general relativity using X-ray reflection spectroscopy |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.16 02:00 pm
Mathias Schultheis
Galactic Archeology using large spectroscopic surveys in the Infrared: The APOGEE (SDSS-IIII/IV) survey and the MOONS project |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.04.11 03:00 pm
Fujun Du (Purple Mountain Observatory)
Astrochemistry: from interstellar medium to the origin of solar system |
SWIFAR Building 2317
2019.03.28 03:00 pm
Dandan Xu (Tsinghua University)
Strong Lensing and Substructures |
SWIFAR Building 1113 |
2019.03.25 09:00 am
The Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan: Present Status and Future Prospects |
格物楼4410 Gewu 4410 |
2019.03.21 03:00 pm
李柯伽 (北京大学) Kejia Lee (PKU-KIAA)
Probing the solar system using pulsar timing array |
格物楼4410 Gewu 4410 |
2019.01.24 03:00 pm
马伯强 (北京大学) Boqiang Ma (Peking University)
超高能宇宙线与洛伦兹对称性破缺 Lorentz Invariance Violation from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
格物楼4410 Gewu 4410 |