2017年午餐讨论会 Lunch Talks in 2017
时间 Time |
报告人 Speaker |
报告题目 Topic |
地点 Place |
2017.12.25 |
谢利智(Astronomical Observatory of Trieste) Lizhi Xie (Astronomical Observatory of Trieste) |
The semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and size evolution of late-type galaxies |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.12.18 |
董晓波(云南天文台) Xiaobo Dong (Yunnan Observatories) |
Studies on intermediate-mass black holes and on the small-scale problems of cold dark matter |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.12.11 |
Charling Tao (CPPM/IN2P3/CNRS, France & THCA, Tsinghua U.) |
What do we know about the Dark Universe? |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.12.04 |
方军(云南大学物理与天文学院) Jun Fang (DoA, YNU) |
Particle acceleration process and radiation morphology in supernovae remnants |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.11.27 |
尔欣中(云南大学中国西南天文研究所) Xinzhong Er (SWIFAR) |
Weak gravitational lensing flexion |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.11.20 |
王博(云南天文台) Bo Wang (Yunnan Observatories) |
Long-term evolution of mass-accreting white dwarfs |
格物楼 4410 Gewu 4410 |