2017年学术报告 Colloquia in 2017
时间 Time |
报告人 Speaker |
报告题目 Topic |
地点 Place |
2017.12.28 2:00 pm |
毛基荣(云南天文台) Jirong Mao (Yunnan Observatories) |
Theoretical luminosity function of the high-redshift AGNs |
力行楼2403 Lixing 2403 |
2017.12.22 2:00 pm |
Q. Daniel Wang (University of Massachusetts) |
Probing black hole astrophysics through gravitational lensing |
格物楼1101 Gewu 1101 |
2017.12.21 2:00 pm |
赵文(中国科学技术大学) Wen Zhao (University of Science and Technology of China) |
B-mode cosmology |
力行楼2403 Lixing 2403 |
2017.12.15 11:00 am |
田海俊(三峡大学) Haijun Tian (China Three Gorges University) |
The stellar kinematics in our Milky Way |
格物楼4410 Gewu 4410 |
2017.11.12 10:00 am |
Nami Mowlavi (University of Geneva) |
Large-scale surveys in the 21st century: the Gaia mission |
格物楼4410 Gewu 4410 |
视频学术报告(同国家天文台合作)Colloquia online (In collaboration with NAOC)
2:30 pm, Dec. 20, 2017: Searching for Habitable Worlds Using Artificial Intelligence
2:30 pm, Dec. 13, 2017: Quest for Galaxy-Wide Quasar Feedback
2:30 pm, Dec. 12, 2017: Future Observatories for Ground Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy
2:30 pm, Dec. 06, 2017: The Neutron Star Zoo
2:30 pm, Nov. 29, 2017: Surveys of Warm Molecular Gas in Local LIRGs: from Herschel to ALMA
2:30 pm, Nov. 21, 2017: Precision fundamental physics with astronomy
2:30 pm, Nov. 15, 2017: Multiple Supernova Explosions from A Zombie Star
相关链接 related link: http://colloquium.bao.ac.cn/af/2017