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Colloquium on Dec. 19, 2024

Galaxy kinematics, feedback and the role of dark matter halos

Speaker: Yingjie Peng (PKU)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 16:00 PM, Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024


I will first demonstrate that galaxy rotation exhibits a striking universal bimodality, revealing two fundamentally distinct galaxy populations in the local Universe: one dominated by fast rotation and the other by slow rotation. These two populations show significant differences in their star formation histories, metallicity, and cold atomic hydrogen gas content. I will explore how the activation of specific AGN feedback modes—either preventive or ejective—depends on the coupling of feedback energy with galaxy kinematics. Meanwhile, given the limited observational evidence for instantaneous negative AGN feedback on the global ISM and star formation within galaxies, I will discuss the pivotal role of dark matter halos in shaping galaxy evolution.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Yingjie Peng.pdf

附件【SWIFAR_Yingjie Peng.pdf已下载


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU