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Colloquium on May. 30, 2024

Formation of dense filaments induced by runaway supermassive black holes

Speaker: Go Ogiya (Zhejiang University)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 16:00 PM, Thursday, May. 30, 2024


A narrow linear object extending ~60 kpc from the centre of a galaxy at redshift z ~ 1 has recently been discovered and interpreted as shocked gas filament forming stars. The host galaxy presents an irregular morphology, implying recent merger events. Supposing that each of the progenitor galaxies has a central supermassive black hole (SMBH) and the SMBHs are accumulated at the centre of the merger remnant, a fraction of them can be ejected from the galaxy with a high velocity due to interactions between SMBHs. When such a runaway SMBH (RSMBH) passes through the circumgalactic medium (CGM), converging flows are induced along the RSMBH path, and star formation could eventually be ignited. We show that the CGM temperature prior to the RSMBH perturbation should be below the peak temperature in the cooling function to trigger filament formation. While the gas is temporarily heated due to compression, the cooling efficiency increases, and gas accumulation becomes allowed along the path. When the CGM density is sufficiently high, the gas can cool down and develop a dense filament by z = 1. The mass and velocity of the RSMBH determine the scale of filament formation. Hydrodynamical simulations validate the analytical expectations. Therefore, we conclude that the perturbation by RSMBHs is a viable channel to form the observed linear object. Using the analytical model validated by simulations, we show that the CGM around the linear object to be warm and dense.



South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU