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Lunch talk on Apr. 29, 2024

MeerKAT+ project, it’s promise and challenges on the way to SKA

Speaker: Feng Gao (MPIfR)

Venue: Video Conference

Time: 12:30 PM, Monday, Apr. 29, 2024


The MeerKAT+ project is a joint effort between SARAO, MPIfR and INAF with the aims to expand the current MeerKAT interferometer array with additional 14 SKA-mid type dishes, thus doubling the longest baseline and increase the imaging sensitivity. In this talk, I will first give a brief introduction to MeerKAT and its capability, then move on to the MeerKAT+ project, update the most recent progress and our plans for the commisionning. Finally, I will discuss the unique challenge of wide field image reconstruction by heterogeneous arrays and how one might tackle the problem.

Report PPT:  SWIFA_Feng Gao.pdf

附件【SWIFA_Feng Gao.pdf已下载


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU