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Colloquium on Apr. 25, 2024

The Milky Way in the Era of Galacto-seismology

Speaker: Zhaoyu Li (SJTU)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 15:00 PM, Thursday, Apr. 25, 2024


Gaia data has revolutionize our understanding of the Milky Way. With accurate position and velocity measurements for millions of stars in Gaia, a new era— Galacto-seismology has arrived. In this talk, I will first briefly review the recent progress in the phase space study of the Milky Way disk, and then focus on a specific phase space feature — the z-Vz phase snail. Interestingly, important physical parameters regarding the Milky Way formation and evolution can be deduced by analyzing these snails. Recently, we have successfully used this snail to estimate the time of the last pericenter passage of the Sgr dwarf galaxy, and to provide the first non-parametric constraint on the Galactic disk potential. In the future, with more data coming, we can combine different phase space structures to better portrait the Galactic evolution history.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Zhaoyu Li.pdf

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South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU