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Colloquium on Nov. 9, 2023

Exploring the early Milky Way with metal-poor stars

Speaker: Haining Li (NAOC)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 15:00 PM, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023


Old low-metallicity (“metal-poor”) stars provide us a unique window to explore the early evolution and formation of our Milky Way as well as the early nucleosynthesis in the universe. In this talk, I would like to introduce the art of Galactic archaeology with metal-poor stars, especially presenting the joint efforts between LAMOST and Subaru in the past few years as an example. A homogeneous high-precision dataset has been established for about 400 very metal-poor stars, which provides an unprecedentedly valuable sample to constrain the Galactic evolution. A number of discoveries have been made covering some interesting topics, such as the cosmic lithium problem, the origin of the heaviest elements, as well as the relics of super massive first stars. The synergy of narrow-band wide-field photometric survey in the field of Galactic archaeology will also be briefly touched.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Haining Li.pdf

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South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU