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Lunch talk on May. 30, 2022

Evolution of the Universe

Speaker: Jiaming Shi (CCNU)

Venue: Video Conference

Time: 12:30 PM, Monday, May. 30, 2022


In this talk, I introduce basic knowledge of the standard cosmological model: the Lambda-CDM model. This model tells us the age and size of the observable universe, and what is the universe made of. This model also shows the history of the universe -- roughly speaking three eras: radiation-dominated era, matter-dominated era, and dark-energy-dominated era. Furthermore, I discuss other cosmological models different from the Lambda-CDM model since there are still open problems in modern cosmology. Finally, I will discuss cosmic duality referring to the different cosmological models of the very early universe.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Jiaming Shi.pdf

附件【SWIFAR_Jiaming Shi.pdf已下载


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU