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Lunch talk on Mar. 1, 2022

Probing Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions via Polarization Observations

Speaker: Qilao Gu (SHAO)

Venue: SWIFAR Building 2111

Time: 12:30 PM, Tuesday, Mar. 1, 2022


Star formation is a significant nexus that connects different astrophysical fields. But the complex interaction among gravity, magnetic field and turbulence makes star formation process difficult to be fully understood. In the past decades, more and more studies have found magnetic field plays an important role in star forming process. In this talk, I will firstly introduce the methods to trace magnetic fields in star forming regions, then, I will show our work on exploring the magnetic field in molecular clouds.

Report PPT:  SWIFAR_Qilao Gu.pptx

附件【SWIFAR_Qilao Gu.pptx已下载


South-Western Institute For Astronomy Research, YNU