Work Placement, Employability and Career Development (WEC)

Work Placement, Employability and Career Development (WEC)


IBSS’s Work Placement, Employability and Career Development (WEC) Team works closely with employers, students, young professionals and our higher education partners worldwide to design and deliver full-fledgedcareer services. These services actively support students in developing their work placement, employability and transferrable skills, as well as furthering their career development. Whether looking for their first internship or looking for career advancement, our students can find support at our regularly held WEC projects and activities. The WEC team not only provides training courses and 1-on-1 career consultations, but also invites corporate partners and industry experts to present job opportunities and share their career insights with students. By keeping students up-to-date and engaged with the rapidly changing job market, support students to become more resilient and adaptable when transitioning from academic learning on campus to roles in competitive industry fields.

Yahong Cai

Work Placement Officer

Yahong Cai

Hailu Hou

Career Counsellor

Hailu Hou

Yidan Liu

Transferable Skills Training Specialist

Yidan Liu

Yixin Zhang

Transferable Skills Training Specialist

Yixin Zhang

Bingxuan Zhou

Student Employability Officer

Bingxuan Zhou

Work Placement

We take students on company visits and field trips to familiarise them with the work environment, day to day operations and organizational structures of companies across a range of industries. This is also a great opportunity for employers to gain exposure, build deeper connections with potential recruits and attract future talent.

We host Spring and Autumn Job Fairs each year to build a two-way communication platform between employers and students, as well as a recruitment bridge. Companies that join these fairs have access to a large pool of well-trained and globally-minded students with from 8 undergraduate programmes and 13 postgraduate programmes.

We organise customised campus recruiting sessions for companies looking for interns, part-time and full-time employees. These are targeted sessions for only one company at a time, ensuring that there is adequate time and focus for meaningful and productive interactions between recruiters and students.

Previous sessions

The IBSS Employability and Skills Development Conference is an annual flagship event that brings together employers, recruiters, and industry experts for an enriching exploration of the dynamic realms of employability and career development. Established as a summer tradition, this conference is a remarkable initiative, offering a unique platform where employers can glean insights from IBSS employability services and seasoned professionals renowned for their cutting-edge expertise in recruitment and career advancement.

Our conference is distinguished by its thought-provoking keynote presentations, which not only share innovative ideas but also offer practical approaches to enhancing business school career services and corporate recruitment strategies. Beyond its educational significance, this event serves as a cross-sector nexus for networking and knowledge exchange, fostering connections and learning opportunities for Human Resource Managers and prospective employers alike.

Building upon the rich history of the conference’s success, we continue to shape the future of employability and skills development for young talents, embracing the evolving landscape of the employment world.

Company Visit to Geely Zeekr Auto Manufacturing Plant in Cixi

Company Visit to Geely Zeekr Auto Manufacturing Plant in Cixi

Company Vvisit to Chery Jaguar Land Rover

Company Vvisit to Chery Jaguar Land Rover

2022 IBSS Autumn Job Fair

2022 IBSS Autumn Job Fair

2023 IBSS Employability and Skills Development Conference

2023 IBSS Employability and Skills Development Conference

2023 IBSS Employability and Skills Development Conference

2023 IBSS Employability and Skills Development Conference

Employability and Transferable Skills Training

  • LMO Pagefor AY23/24
  • In today’s fiercely competitive job market, having the right skill set is pivotal in securing your dream career. The module has been meticulously designed to equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to excel in your professional journey.

You will explore two pivotal areas: employability skills and transferable skills.
  • Employability skills encompass those vital attributes that employers seek in their ideal candidates, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, etc.
  • Transferable skills, on the other hand, are versatile abilities that you can apply across various domains and industries, enhancing your versatility as a professional. The areas are relationship building and networking, business writing, presentation skills, impromptu speeches, informational interviews, decision-making skills, business etiquette, etc.

  1. IBSS Employability Award
  2. Team Spirit
  3. Initiative
  4. Rellable
  5. Adaptable
  6. Articulate
  7. Assertive
  8. Resilient
  9. Growth Mindset

Last News

PG UP is an interactive training programme designed to upskill and reskill postgraduate students with transferrable skills required for their careers after graduation. These include communication skills, giving effective presentations, networking, career development sessions, and more. Through this programme, our PG UP students train to become better team players with more intrinsic motivation and lifelong learning mindsets.

Link for students:

  • The WEC Team sources new job opportunities and provides group career counselling workshops to help students decide on specific career goals and submit effective job applications. Students receive hands-on guidance on analysing the pros and cons of working in a chosen industry, reading behind the lines of job advertisements, understanding what makes them qualified for relevant positions, and learning how to stand out from the crowd of other applicants.
  • We cover popular industries such as Finance, Marketing, IT services and Consulting.
  • Agenda for each workshop:
    • Learn the job flow and responsibilities of entry-level roles in a chosen industry
    • Understand deeply if the chosen industry matches expectations and goals
    • Read newly released job advertisements from top companies
    • Identify any gaps between student resumes and job requirements
    • Improve and customise resumes based on individual job advertisements
    • Learn more about yourself, your career goals and the experience of your peers

PYP is a bilingual transferrable skills training programme focused on enhancing non-academic presentation skills, including non-academic research, data analysis, critical thinking, summarising reports and story-telling. During the preogramme, Human Resource Managers and industry professionals are invited as judges to evaluate student performance, as well as guide students in becoming more confident and articulate public speakers in business environments.

Link for previous events

We lead regular round-table discussions focused on exploring employment opportunities and understanding emerging industries. The overall aim is to bridge the communication gap between students and employers through the mutual exchange on a variety of topics. Through a better understanding of each side of the employability discussion, we aim to improve employment opportunities in the future.

  • Link:/xjtlu/smu_connect/user/ibss-employability
  • An online one-stop page featuring digital learning resources (video clips, lecture recordings and documents). Within the hub, we introduce transferable employability skills concepts, theories, techniques and tools. We also share industry insights learned from our wide range of WEC Team events and projects. Through this combination of theory and practice, the hub provides students with instant access to a wide variety of valuable learning opportunities, supports their transition from academic to the world of business, and provides insights into how students can improve their workplace performance after graduation.
  • Topics include:
    • Career Planning: career identity, self-awareness, job-market investigation and self-improvement analysis
    • Self-management Skills: resilience, time management, lifelong learning and personal development
    • Communication skills: teamwork, collaboration, communication techniques and impactful presentation
    • Job-seeking skills: CV, cover letter, panel interview, group interview, and psychometrics tests

Career Development

We regularly invite industry experts and employers to campus to share their personal career stories, industry trends, and employer expectations with our students. This serves to fill the knowledge gap between their academic learning and real-world employment realities. For employers, IBSS CDAs are also a good opportunity to engage with the next generation of top talent and strengthen personal and employer brand awareness.

Previous activities

We offer personalised resume or CV polishing consultation sessions to better support your preparation for upcoming internship and full-time job applications. Students can talk to one of our career consultants privately to get help with their resume, as well as on building their personal brand during their early careers. The WEC Team sends out a weekly email on how to book this service.

We provide 1-1 customised career consultations, including personal career analysis, development needs analysis, career planning, career advice, skill coaching, CV/Cover-letter checking, mock interviews and more.

Reservation here.