SoFTA Newsletter | 2024 July-September Issue

18 Oct 2024


School Latest News



School of Film and TV Arts MEGA Film Production Masterclass at XJTLU successfully conclude

The inaugural MEGA Film Production Masterclass at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s School of Film and TV Arts, which commenced on 8 July, provided an intensive learning platform for film enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds through meticulously designed courses and practical projects. Over 11 days of rigorous learning and creation, participants systematically mastered the film production process and techniques, from scriptwriting to post-production, under the guidance of former Asia Pacific Film Festival Chairman and renowned director Youning Li, along with an international team of instructors, leveraging advanced teaching facilities. On 19 July, the masterclass concluded with a ceremony held at the cinema in the School of Film and TV Arts building. Participants not only showcased their achievements but also shared their creative insights and experiences. The students expressed that, under the careful guidance of their teachers and in a state-of-the-art environment, they learned the processes and techniques of filmmaking, which will benefit them for a lifetime.


The Launch Ceremony of the SoFTA Alumni Group and the Appointment Ceremony of Alumni Group Leadership were successfully held

The Launch Ceremony of the School of Film and TV Arts (SoFTA) Alumni Group was successfully held on the afternoon of 30 July in the AS building. Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Dean of SoFTA and Associate Dean of AFCT, Kun Wang, Deputy Director of the Career and Development Office and the Alumni Affairs Office, as well as three industry mentors and other guests attended the event. At the beginning of the event, Professor Mai expressed her expectations for establishing the Alumni Group and its founding purpose. This was followed by video greetings from alumni around the world. Witnessed by the guests and graduates, the Alumni Group was officially established, and Kun Wang presented appointment certificates to the three students who will lead the Alumni Group.


XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts held a welcome reception for all students and staff for the new academic year

On 11 September 2024, students and staff of the School of Film and TV Arts of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University held a welcome reception for the new academic year in the AS Building. At the welcome reception, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Dean of SoFTA, warmly welcomed all staff and students back to campus and introduced four new academic teachers who have joined the School in particular. Dr David Willian Strang, Director of Education, Research and Institute Development, also gave a speech on study advice for the new academic year.


School of Film and TV Arts in collaboration with the Suzhou Cultural and Arts Centre, hosted a cast and crew talk for the play “A Submarine in the Night”

On 18 September 2024, the School of Film and TV Arts of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and Suzhou Cultural and Arts Centre successfully held a cast and crew talk for the play “A Submarine in the Night” in the AS cinema. The event attracted many teachers, students, and off-campus drama enthusiasts, totalling more than 160 participants. Four students from the SoFTA Cultural and Creative Industries programme, Xuan Dai, Zirui Huang, Yifan Liu and Peiqi Yang, provided on-site support for the event. This event is not only a platform for cultural exchange. It provides inspiration and insights for students' future artistic creation, but is also an important step in the field of art education for SoFTA.


XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts successfully held its inaugural "Friday Movie Night" academic screening event

The highly anticipated premiere of SoFTA’s carefully curated “Friday Movie Night” took place on the evening of 20 September. The first academic screening featured Woody Allen’s classic comedy Bullets Over Broadway. The screening was held in the cinema on the second floor of the AS Building from 6 to 8 pm, with the venue packed to capacity. Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Dean of SoFTA, along with several other faculty members, were in attendance. The audience consisted not only of SoFTA students and staff but also attracted a large number of students from other disciplines. Cheng Fang, Programme Director of Filmmaking, and Yiran Yu, who selected and introduced the film, engaged the audience in an interactive discussion, guiding them through an exploration of the film’s academic value and artistic significance. The atmosphere was lively, with animated discussions that not only deepened students’ understanding and appreciation of the film but also sparked critical reflection on the art of cinema.


XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts academic staff visited Hengdian Film and Television City

On 3 to 4 July 2024, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Dean of the School of Film and TV Arts, led the academic staff to visit and exchange ideas at Hengdian Film and Television City. The purpose of this trip is to accurately capture the pulse and cutting-edge trends of film and television creation through on-site experience and in-depth dialogue, thereby enriching the course content, broadening students' industry horizons, laying a solid foundation for their career planning, and ultimately enhancing their practical abilities and workplace competitiveness. Hengdian can also serve as a base for student study tours and internships.


Yu Sheng and Qian Zhuang participated in the "XJTLU Day" of XJTLU-AS, explaining the process of MG animation and short film production to first-year high school students

As an important part of the “XJTLU Day”, over 50 first-year high school students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Affiliated School (XJTLU-AS) visited the School of Film and TV Arts at the beginning of September for a two-hour “immersive” experience and learning session, which was jointly hosted and taught by Yu Sheng, from Digital Media Arts programme, and Qian Zhuang, from Filmmaking Programme. During the event, the students learned about the production process of MG animation and short films and watched outstanding student works in the cinema. In addition, under the guidance of Yingyi Xu, SoFTA’s technician, the students toured various professional teaching facilities in the AS building, such as the editing suites, sound studio and colour grading room, experiencing students’ daily life of both programmes in SoFTA.


XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts cooperated and exchanged with Kunshan Integrated Media Center

On 11 July 2024, Kunshan Integrated Media Center visited Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University School of Film and TV Arts, and was received by the dean, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, and the academic staff of the School. On 19 July 2024, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai led the faculty of the School on a collaborative trip to Kunshan Integrated Media Centre in Kunqu Town to visit the Museum of Xiqu Baixi and to discuss exchange and cooperation projects.


Yew Wah International Education School of Shanghai Gubei visited the School of Film and TV Arts and explored the provision of career experience programmes for students

On 12 July 2024, Douglas Woodruff, Principal of Yew Wah School of Shanghai Gubei and a team of teachers visited the XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts (SoFTA). Dean of SoFTA, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Filmmaking Programme Director Cheng Fang, TV Production Programme Director Dr Stephen Andriano-Moore and Postgraduate Director Dr Yiming Chen received and exchanged views with the guests in the AS Building. The two sides jointly explored international education.


School of Film and TV Arts' first MSc Cultural and Creative Industries students graduate successfully

In July 2024, the School of Film and TV Arts successfully graduated its first MSc Cultural and Creative Industries class, totalling 116 students. Students in this programme gain a wealth of expertise and improve their professional skills during their studies. One of the students will continue to study for a PhD at Hunan University.


Asia-Pacific Designers Alliance President visited XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts to forge new cooperation ties

On 27 August 2024, the President of the Asia-Pacific Designers Alliance led a delegation to visit the School of Film and TV Arts to discuss potential collaborations. The meeting aimed to foster cross-disciplinary integration between design creativity and film and TV arts. The goal was to jointly explore new avenues for artistic education and industrial development.


University of Liverpool Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Black visited XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts to admire student masterpieces

On 3rd September, the University of Liverpool Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Richard Black, accompanied by the School Dean, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, visited the School of Film and TV Arts to admire students' outstanding works. They engaged in lively discussions on art education, programmes, and creative inspiration.


The Dean for Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Professor Simon Jones, visited the XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts

On 11 September 2024, the Dean for Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Professor Simon Jones, visited the School of Film and TV Arts, gaining insights into its teaching environment and creative atmosphere. Professor Simon Jones expressed his appreciation for the students’ creative work and engaged in discussions on the future prospects of film and TV arts, PhD supervision, and collaboration with the University of Liverpool.


Disguise visited XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts to discuss XR and virtual production collaboration

On 19 September, representatives from Disguise visited the XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts, engaging in in-depth discussions on collaboration in XR technology and virtual production, aiming to drive the integrated development of film and television education and technological innovation.


Zhida Wang, Senior Technician at the School of Film and TV Arts, won the 2024 Teaching Technician Award

Zhida Wang is a Senior Technician at the School of Film and TV Arts and has helped ensure the smooth running of the laboratories in the school for the past two years. He says: “If the work of writers, directors, videographers and editors is behind the scenes, the work of SoFTA’s technicians is behind them. This award is not an honour for me alone but for the efforts of all the technicians, who have always stood firmly behind SoFTA teachers and students.”



Research Achievements



Dr Karolina Pawlik from the School of Film and TV Arts conducts research collaboration with two groundbreaking artists in Europe

In July 2024, Dr Karolina Pawlik from the School of Film and TV Arts made two research trips supported by her RDF grant “Soft Brush, Creativity and Cross-Cultural Communication.” She communicated with Pan Jianfeng in Finland and participated in art demonstrations in his ink art studio in Porvoo, working on her book The Void, Our Soil. She also initiated collaboration with Efstathia Milaraki – a Greek artist who had spent over a decade in China and continues to create artworks blending gongbi style with experimental fluorescent art.


Qian Zhuang from the School of Film and TV Arts presented a research paper at the Amps Barcelona Conference

On July 7, Qian Zhuang from the School of Film and TV Arts gave an online presentation of her research report titled "Urban Livability in Shanghai’s Post-Demolition Era - An Analytical Review" at the Amps Barcelona Conference, hosted by AMPS and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. This year's conference focused on the theme Urban Futures - Cultural Pasts. Qian Zhuang’s paper provides an in-depth examination of the living conditions of resettled Penghu residents in Shanghai, exploring the city’s livability in the post-demolition era. Her research highlights the challenges and adaptations faced by these communities as Shanghai continues its modernization efforts.
The Amps (Architecture, Media, Politics, Society) is an international, interdisciplinary research organization. It brings together people from different disciplines who find their points of contact in the places we inhabit, how we teach, and how we interpret the world around us.


Curated Content: an exploration of the act of (digital) mark-making in the form of analogue drawings by Dr Michael Mackenzie

Dr Michael Mackenzie recently published a peer-reviewed journal article in the Telematics and Informatics Reports, Vol. 14 (ISSN 2772-5030). The article proposes that online content can be understood as (digital) mark-making, and through research as a creative practice in the form of drawings created with grey-lead pencil on paper, the notion of (digital) mark-making is examined as an existential act. Current theories on the nature and social functionality of the Internet, particularly social media as modes for storytelling, are engaged to reflexively analyse the drawings which express human-lived experiences that now oscillate between virtuality and reality. (


Dr Takao Terui’s new paper published in Media, Culture & Society

Dr Takao Terui from the School of Film and TV Arts published a new paper from Media, Culture & Society, a field-top journal in media studies. This paper explores how artists in Japan utilise and critique crowdfunding in creative industries. He will carry on this research project with financial support from the Research Development Fund (RDF).


Two presentations at international conferences by Dr Takao Terui

Dr Takao Terui made presentations at two field-top conferences (the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research and the European Sociological Association Conference) and built connections with cultural policy and creative industry scholars worldwide. They plan to organise guest talks and exchanges.


Dr Takao Terui received a research grant from Japan

Dr Takao Terui was awarded a 1,000,000 JPY external research grant from a Japanese public foundation (Mishima Memorial Foundation). The funding will cover the cost of his new research project on the creative city and creative industry in Shanghai.



Professor Chul Heo’s award-winning film “New Normal” was selected for international film festival competition

Filmmaking Programme Professor Chul Heo’s film “New Normal” (Sci-Fi Fantasy, Vertical film, 8 min., 2021) has been selected for the main competition in upcoming international film festivals.
“New Normal” won Best Film at the Vertical Vision International Film Festival in Pittsburgh, USA, on 5 October 2024 ( and Best Vertical Short Film at Villa del Cine 2024 in Colombia from 25 to 28 September 2024 ( Previously, this film has been screened in Rome, St. Louis, Argentina, Prague, Seoul, France, Singapore, Spain, and Toronto at various international film festivals and won Grand Prize awards at Vertical Movie Festival (Italy) and Yatay Festival (Argentina).


Professor Chul Heo‘s documentary “Modern Family” was selected for the international film festival

Professor Chul Heo and co-producer KIM Jinhyuk produced the documentary “Modern Family” (Documentary, 38 min.), set to make its world premiere at the 16th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival from 26 September to 2 October 2024. “Modern Family” tells a story about queer individuals who are struggling to establish recognized and protected families “legally” in Singapore, South Korea, China’s mainland and Taiwan region.


Dr Yiming Chen presented two papers at a leading global conference IAMCR2024 in July

In July, Dr Yiming Chen presented two papers at a leading global conference, IAMCR2024. The two papers authored by Dr Yiming Chen were selected for presentation at the IAMCR2024 (International Association of Media and Communication Research), held from June 30th to July 4th. The central theme of this annual conference is “Whiria te tāngata/Weaving People Together: Communicative projects of decolonising, listening and engaging”. During the conference, Dr Yiming Chen respectively presented his research on "Discursive Practices of Privacy Policies on Social Media Platforms: A Perspective Based on China’s PIPL" and "Self-Management and Self-Determination: A Study on the Visibility of Personal Data on Chinese Social Media." Additionally, he was invited as a chair for a panel discussion on participatory communication. IAMCR is one of the prominent global associations in the field, its establishment was facilitated by UNESCO in 1957. The IAMCR 2024 annual conference was organized by the University of Canterbury in New Zealand; over a thousand scholars worldwide were invited to share their academic research progress and foster an exchange of media practices.


Dr Yiming Chen presented a paper at the 7th CCCMS2024 international conference in August

Dr Yiming Chen presented a paper at the 7th CCCMS2024 international conference in August. The paper authored by Dr Yiming Chen was selected for presentation at the 7th International Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS2024), held on August 26-27, 2024. This year's conference is jointly organized by the Universitas Islam Indonesia and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), involving scholars from more than ten countries along with Global South perspectives on discussing emerging cultural and media innovation practices. During the conference, Dr Yiming Chen delivered a research report titled "Chinese Public Discourses in the Technological Innovation of ChatGTP Large Language Model: An Investigation of Techno-Cultural Approach." The study investigates how Chinese public discourses construct the tech identity of the emerging ChatGTP large language model while exploring their potential subtle impacts on domestic policies of technology innovation.


Dr Yiming Chen published a book review in the International Journal of Communication

In August 2024, Dr Yiming Chen published a book review in the International Journal of Communication, examining the latest research publication entitled "Situated Data Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture," edited by scholars Karin van Es and Nanna Verhoeff. The review provides an overview of the research on the pivotal role of data in shaping algorithmic culture and explores interdisciplinary approaches employed by researchers to investigate the intricate interaction between algorithms and data, ultimately contributing to the emerging forms of contemporary culture. In response to these cutting-edge studies, this review also elucidates how artists and cultural practitioners effectively harness data to create meaningful and critical works within cultural creative practices. Furthermore, it offers readers profound insights into the algorithm-driven social and cultural phenomena embedded in today's society." The review can be freely downloaded through the link:



Academic Activities



SoFTA Dean, Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, invited to be a jury member of the IAI Design Festival

The 2024 IAI Design Excellence Festival and the 16th IAI Design Awards Ceremony grandly kicked off on 28 June in Xiamen. On the morning of 29 June, the IAI Open Class Lecture was themed "Design and Industrial Development under the New Trend of AIGC". Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, IAI judge and Dean of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University School of Film and TV Arts, presided over the lecture. Associate Professor Erdong Gao from the Communication University of China, Professor Dalia Callico, Artistic Director of Milan Palace Museum, Deyi Yao, deputy general manager of Shanghai Film Production Co., Ltd., Professor Chunyin Li, Chairman of Asia Pacific Designers Federation (APDF) Asia region, and Professor Marc Aurel, dean of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Design School, gave speeches.



Dr Michael Mackenzie’s recent exhibition “COMMENTS: Declaration of Love / Campaign of Hate”

Dr Michael Mackenzie has curated an exhibition titled “Declaration of Love / Campaign of Hate”, which features text drawings and paintings that explore the commodification of validation and division in online comment sections in China.
Comment sections on social media platforms have evolved from a tool for communication, into “third spaces”, meaning a social space that is neither home nor work. With a screen to physically divide us from one another, comments sections can become volatile social spaces. This art project entitled: COMMENTS: Declaration of Love / Campaign of Hate explores the binary nature of Chinese social media comments sections by appropriating and then recontextualising comments that are either praising or abusive into physical text drawings. Dr Michael Mackenzie recently published an article for a digital publication Viral Image Culture that is run by the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) that discusses the exhibition and context of the work:


Dr Chul Heo is organising the Asian Docs Co-Production Network Project, DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, South Korea

Dr Chul Heo from the School of Film and TV Arts is organising the Asia Docs Co-Production Network Project. The “Asian Docs Co-production Network Project” is a collaborative project where young documentary creators from four countries - Korea, China, Japan, and Singapore - work together over two years to co-produce documentaries about Asia. Participating institutions include Korea National University of Arts, Yonsei University (Korea), Yunnan University, Yunnan Arts University (China), Komazawa University, Osaka University (Japan), Tainan National University of the Arts (Taiwan, China), and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). From next year, it will be co-hosted with students from the SoFTA, who will form the core members of this Inter-Asian film activity.


SoFTA staff Wai Kit Leong delivered an online global classroom lecture with the diploma in Communication Programme from Taylor’s College Malaysia

Wai Kit Leong is leading SoFTA’s collaboration with Taylor’s College Malaysia for their Global Classroom initiative for the Creative Advertising Strategy and Execution module for students from the Diploma in Communication programme. The collaboration goal of the Global Classroom lecture is to benefit both our students and staff by exchanging and developing knowledge in Augmented Reality in Advertising, which focuses on equipping students with knowledge and skills using AR tools, such as Adobe Aero and Assemblrworld, and encouraging AR technologies usage in the creative industries. Students enjoyed learning AR tools from their mobile app and developing interesting AR videos during the session. The event was a successful collaboration between SoFTA and overseas universities that benefits both our students and staff in exchange for developing knowledge and encouraging research activities.


Dr Yiming Chen delivered a guest lecture at Jinan University (Guangzhou)

On 13 September 2024, Dr Yiming Chen was invited by Jinan University's Cutting-edge Series on Speech Communication to deliver a guest lecture titled "Beyond Content: Exploring Key Issues and Research Approaches of Content Creators in the Digital Media Era." The lecture delved into the challenges and opportunities encountered by content creators in the era of social media, addressed prominent and sensitive topics pertaining to creator research, and shared potential interdisciplinary perspectives. Moreover, it provided profound insights into the professional literacy that creators should possess while offering critical ideas for future advancements in the field of content creation.


School of Film and TV Arts held a field trip to Hengdian World Studio to strengthen practical teaching and broaden industrial perspectives

On 2 to 3 September, the School of Film and TV Arts successfully held a field trip to Hengdian World Studio Studios. Students visited the shooting locations, experienced special effects makeup firsthand, participated in the "Industry Expert Sharing Session", gained a deeper understanding of the industry, and received assistance in their career planning.


High School Students from Jilong, Taiwan, took part in the game show “It Takes Two” of TV Production Programme

High school students from Jilong, Taiwan, visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and took part in the game show “It Takes Two” as part of their university experience. 35 students participated in the game show, with two teams of 15 students competing against each other in two events: “Don’t Match My Look” and “Charades”. One student was the gracious host, and four students ran the production from the studio gallery room, running the camera switcher, teleprompter, sound, and graphics. The game was recorded live, and the students enjoyed watching their performance. Students had a great time learning about live TV game shows. The event was very successful, and TV Production plans to host a series of sessions to allow more prospective students to experience the production of live game shows.


International students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University participated in a TV production programme taster session

The TV Production Programme delivered a taster session to international students led by the X-Global team. During the short tour, the students are exposed to production facilities such as the TV studio, editing suites, audio recording suites, and finishing suites, which can cultivate their interest in joining our TV Production Programme. In addition, students participated in the Multi-Camera Production of hosting a TV studio environment, which enabled them to read like a news anchor in front of the camera with scrolling text on the teleprompter. Students also have the opportunity to see some shows produced by students, which gives them a taster of some of the formats taught in TV Production.



Students’ Achievements & News



The SURF project led by Biwei Cong won the School Winner of the University and Excellent Poster Award

The SURF project led by Biwei Cong is titled “Can Everyone Make a Narrative Film via Closed-Source GenAI Tools? – A practice-based research”. Five students from the School of Film and TV Arts and one student from the School of Humanities and Social Science participated in the project over the summer.
This study explores the feasibility of using closed-source GenAI models to create a narrative film, analyzing their features and limitations and proposing solutions to common challenges. The findings serve as practical references for film students, non-professionals, and others interested in experimenting with GenAI in film production, offering insights into the potential and challenges of AI-driven filmmaking.
The university selected 20 school winners out of 399 SURF projects in total this year.


Digital Media Arts students’ summer AI innovation project was successfully implemented at the Shuanglong Scenic Area in Zhejiang

During this year's summer, under the guidance of teaching staff Tian Leng from the School of Film and TV Arts, students Yiming Ju, Zizhe Zhao, and Yunfeng Li from the Digital Media Arts programme practised an innovative project at the Shuanglong Scenic Area in Zhejiang Province. They successfully integrated artificial intelligence with traditional media production workflow, creating captivating animations and installation art. This project not only showcases the students' professional skills but also highlights their understanding of applying emerging technologies in the cultural tourism industry. Their work has received widespread acclaim.


Master's student in Cultural and Creative Industries, Yilin Li, won more awards for her directorial documentary "Imperial Kiln Brick"

The documentary “Imperial Kiln Brick” directed by Li Yilin, a master's student of Cultural and Creative Industries in the School of Film and TV Arts of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, has once again won two awards, which are the Finalist Award for the 4th Ethnic Film and Television and Film Anthropology Documentary, and the Award for the Best China Regional Culture Short in the 2nd SHISW CUILIN Short Award.


SoFTA Students Pass Avid International Certification Exams and Earn Avid Certified Specialist Titles

Recently, 22 students from the School of Film and TV Arts at XJTLU successfully passed the Avid International Certification Exams, becoming the first batch of students in the school to earn the title of Avid Certified Specialist. This not only demonstrates their exceptional professional skills but also lays a solid foundation for their future careers in the industry.
Since 1 August 2020, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has officially become an Avid Global Learning Partner (Partner Level - ALP-Academic), marking the school's strength and contribution in the field of film and TV education being fully acknowledged and supported by Avid. As a partner, the school can provide students with the latest authorized course content and certification services directly from Avid, ensuring that students not only master cutting-edge technologies but also obtain internationally recognized qualifications. Additionally, in the Chinese mainland, XJTLU is the second higher education institution to be awarded Avid certification as an international partner, following the Beijing Film Academy.



Upcoming Events



The 5th MEGA International Creative Media Festival officially launched

The 5th MEGA International Creative Media Festival has been launched and is now calling for student leadership chairs and members. It will be held from May 9 to 15, 2025, and we look forward to your participation.


The School of Film and TV Arts hosts the Friday Movie Night academic screening event

The XJTLU School of Film and TV Arts is excited to launch the Friday Movie Night academic screening series and open to all XJTLU students. Starting from Week 2, a curated selection of films will be screened every Friday at 6:00 PM in the cinema of the AS Building. Following each screening, faculty from SoFTA will lead a discussion session, guiding the audience through an in-depth exploration of the films’ academic and artistic significance.



Welcome New Academic Staff



We are pleased to welcome and introduce new faculty members to the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, the Academy of Film and Creative Technology, School of Film and TV Arts. They are Professor Chul Heo, Dr David Lowden, Dr Michael Mackenzie, and Dr Wu-Wei Chen. By having them on board, the school can further improve the teaching quality, expand the faculty capacity, and provide an excellent education for our programmes.


18 Oct 2024