A Warm Welcome to SoFTA New Faculty Member

10 Sep 2024

We are pleased to welcome and introduce new faculty members to the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, the Academy of Film and Creative Technology, School of Film and TV Arts. They are Professor Chul Heo, Dr David Lowden, Dr Michael Mackenzie and Dr Wu-Wei Chen, Having them on board, the School can further improve the teaching quality, expand the faculty capacity, and provide an excellent education for our programmes.

Professor Chul Heo

Courses taught

  • FTA215 Directing Craft and Practice
  • FTA216 Producing Craft and Practice

Research interests

Professor Chul Heo's scholarly interests focus on the study of production culture and aesthetics of film and media with a critical cultural studies approach. In particular, he is interested in the critical and aesthetic implications of the look and sound of film and television, such as production design and sound design. To understand the production culture of film and television, he pays attention to the people who make creative decisions, dealing with production conventions, creative rights, constraints and possibilities in their institutional contexts, and the imagined audience in the production process. Currently, Professor Chul Heo is researching the influences and implications of virtual film production (in-camera VFX, ICVFX) on the mode of film production and redefining the nature of cinema to theorise film production in the digital age.

Key Words: Production Studies, Imagined Audience in Production, Cultural Politics of Film and Media Aesthetics and Practices, Film Production and Emerging Technologies


Professor Chul Heo is a filmmaker and media scholar. Before joining XJTLU, he taught at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Korea University in Seoul, and San Francisco State University in the US Over his 24-year academic career, he has focused on bridging theory and practice, advocating the importance of theoretical foundations in skill-oriented curricula and the significance of production studies in understanding film and media. Since 1996, Professor Chul Heo has directed and produced three feature films, over fifteen short and experimental films and various television programs in Korea, Singapore, and America. He chairs the Asia Co-Production Documentary Project, a transnational initiative connecting young Asian filmmakers in China, Japan, Singapore, Taipei, and South Korea. As a Society of Cinema and Media Studies and NCA member, he actively presents scholarly work at international conferences. Additionally, Professor Chul Heo remains active in the South Korean filmmaking scene as a member of the Directors Guild of Korea. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and an MFA from Brooklyn College, CUNY.



Dr David Lowden

Courses taught

  • FTA 127 Inserts Production
  • FTA 441 Event Management & Curation

Research interests

  • Gender performativity in high-performance organisations
  • Gender representation in media productions
  • Applied ethics (media)
  • Media framing and self censorship


Dr David Lowden is an Associate Professor at MSc Cultural and Creative Industries, specialising in non-fiction storytelling. He has expertise in both studio-based and outside broadcast television production and is passionate about teaching aspiring visual creators. Dr David Lowden is a former on-camera presenter, writer and producer with more than 20 years of experience in multiple countries, including China. He delights in helping students produce their best creative work.

Dr David Lowden joined XJTLU from the University of Melbourne, where he taught media and communication subjects and received a Certificate of Teaching focusing on transcultural learning. He was awarded a commendation for his PhD dissertation, which investigated the impact of high-performance organisational cultures on individual identity, particularly gender identity, drawing on feminist theory. He also holds a Master of Communication (with Distinction) and looks forward to vastly improving his Mandarin skills!





Dr Michael Mackenzie

Courses taught

The postgraduate courses on research methods in the cultural and creative industry and content-producing

Research interests

Dr Michael Mackenzie's research interests encompass cinema, social media, online culture, and contemporary art. He is intrigued by the duality of human experience, which is now lived both within reality and virtuality. His work engages with narrative theory, which posits that humans understand the world through narratives. He finds contemporary storytelling to be in a particularly fascinating phase.

His creative practice involves the creation of artworks that materialise the virtual experience and explore various forms of storytelling as an existential act, both individually and communally. He delves into the concept that online content creation is a form of digital mark-making.

Dr Mackenzie co-founded a creative collective with an architect and a designer at his previous university, which they named Panda-monium. The collective is interested in rural rejuvenation in China through art and design projects.


Dr Michael Mackenzie is a filmmaker, artist, and academic who has exhibited paintings, drawings, and video art in Australia, China, and Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Art from the Victorian College of Arts and, a decade later, returned to VCA to complete his Masters in film directing, where he was awarded the Panasonic Screenwriting Award upon graduation. Since then, he has primarily focused on screenwriting and has been selected to participate in various script initiatives in Australia. His work has been recognised in numerous screenplay competitions and fellowships, including the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowship.

In 2022, Dr Mackenzie completed his PhD, with his thesis consisting of exegesis and a creative project in the form of a novel that delved into how social media shapes identity and belonging. He is currently adapting his thesis novel into three distinct film projects, with the first being an animated film. Additionally, he has several other film and art projects underway that build upon the concepts he explored in his thesis.


Dr Michael Mackenzie's recent Art Exhibition COMMENTS

Dr Michael Mackenzie's Paintings and drawings 



Dr Wu-Wei Chen

Courses taught

  • Motion Design
  • Techniques and Creative industries

Research interests

Dr Chen's research focuses on the religious heritage sites in Asia. He utilizes digital heritage imaging to document, visualize, annotate, and simulate immersive on-site experiences. To broaden the format, he always works with cross-disciplinary colleagues (archaeologists, art historians, conservators, and practitioners) to learn from diverse perspectives of the sites, artifacts, rituals, and customs.

Research site: https://www.bodyasechoes.com/dha


Chen Wu-Wei (Ph.D., M.F.A.) is an Associate Professor at the School of Film and Television Arts at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Dr. Chen is also collaborating with NYU Abu Dhabi Heritage Lab. Chen’s publications focus on the digital heritage imaging of Asia and are responsible for the editorial board of the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. Prof. Chen previously worked on the digital documentation of cave temples in China. Currently, he focuses on the tangible/intangible cultural heritage of Central Java, South Korea, and West Asia.





Why teaching at XJTLU/SoFTA?

Chul: The bold vision of the School of Film and Television Arts (SOFTA) at XJTLU is what drew me here. My extensive experience in academic institutions and the film industries across America, Korea, and Singapore has taught me that the future of cinema is both exciting and uncertain. We are witnessing rapid technological advancements and the growing influence of capital in the world of cinema. I am thrilled to join a team that not only explores the potential and limitations of creative technology in shaping film and media but also maintains a critical perspective. I firmly believe the future of cinema is being crafted here at SOFTA.

David: I am fascinated by China and have visited many times over the past 20 years. I was at a stage of life where I was able to consider relocating and happily a wonderful opportunity arose with SoFTA at just the right time. When I told friends and past students from China that I will be joining XJTLU, they all said the same thing: It is a highly regarded university in China with dedicated students and Suzhou is a beautiful city. I feel grateful for the opportunity and look forward to doing my best for the students.

Michael: I am excited to be part of the faculty at SOFTA. I genuinely enjoy teaching as I see it as an intellectual and creative dialogue. As my Chinese language skills are quite low, teaching enables me to engage with Chinese people on a deeper level and know the society better. I also really enjoy exposing students to new things and ideas. The joy of first discovering a film, book or song that becomes a formative part of your creative development is something I hope I can do for my students. Why teach at SoFTA? Because it is the best film school in China!

Wu-Wei: Based on my undergraduate major and earlier career experiences, it is like coming home to team up with my splendid SoFTA colleagues and cultivate XJTLU students with passions for time-based media and emerging technologies. This is a home I have never known before, and I can’t express more of my appreciation for Dean Mai. Evelyn makes the home base experience, and I am privileged to live in it.


Your expectations for teaching at SoFTA…

Chul: I arrive here as a citizen of the Republic of Cinema, having journeyed from New York City to Iowa City, from San Francisco to Seoul, and from Singapore to Suzhou, China. Being a filmmaker is not merely being a professional storyteller or technician; it is being someone deeply invested in the human condition and the exploration of life's meaning. My goal is to help nurture a new generation of citizens in the Republic of Cinema—bold, creative, and compassionate storytellers who are driven to make the world a better place.

David: My expectations for teaching with SoFTA are to be approachable, encouraging and provide expertise to enthusiastic students who have made the admirable decision to pursue a career in the creative industries. I am well aware of the cultural and economic imperatives that implore students to gain employment upon graduation and I am a strong advocate that a creative life can be both fulfilling and prosperous!

Michael: My expectations are open. I am interested in contemporary China and the younger generation, so I have a philosophy that I am teaching my students but they are also teaching me. It's an academic exchange. I am in love with ideas and how to fulfil the potential of ideas and that is what I hope to pass on to my students. Being part of an international faculty in which I am surrounded by interesting creative people from all around the world is also a real privilege. Everybody at SoFTA (as well as the surrounding schools) are doing interesting things so please don't hesitate to say hello. I am friendly.

Wu-Wei: XJTLU is a teaching and research institution, and I wish to facilite the spirit when teaching at SoFTA. Striking a balance between tasks and assisting students in their future success is the first priority for me at this stage.


Please say something to our students…

Chul: Don't pursue filmmaking solely for its own sake or out of a desire to serve your ego and personal interests. Learning filmmaking is about mastering the art of collaboration and the ability to coordinate complex human and non-human elements. These skills will serve you well not only in filmmaking but in any career you choose to pursue. This journey will teach you the importance of respecting your peers and colleagues. Embrace the experience and enjoy the process!

David: Students, I am very much looking forward to collaborating with you in the next stage of your education. Although it is my role to lead the subject, I do not believe learning comes from a single voice. To that end, I am delighted to be joining a university that actively fosters peer learning and work-integrated-learning. I also believe learning should be enjoyable and I am a passionate about ensuring your mental health and wellbeing is positively impacted by your learning experiences.

Michael: Your time at SoFTA will be very busy and sometimes stressful. One thing to think about during your time here is that it is an amazing opportunity to be able to spend all your time doing something that you are passionate about. Use this time to explore and experiment as well as find your creative voice. Storytelling is the foundation of how we understand ourselves, others and the world we inhabit. Your history has been narrated through Chinese literature, paintings, calligraphy, porcelain ceramics, as well as all the other amazing local craft cultures in China, and film will be your contribution. The stories you create will matter.

Wu-Wei: As Steve Jobs addressed in the commencement: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” Make mistakes, and find your ways.



By Wenzhen Li

Photos courtesy of Chul Heo, David Lowden, Michael Mackenzie and Wu-Wei Chen

10 Sep 2024