Edward A. Flinn-Pembroke J. Hart Award

In memory of a lifetime member Dr. Pembroke Hart, who deceased in early 2008, the members of the ILP executive bureau decided to rename its award the Edward A. Flinn-Pembroke J. Hart Award.  

The Flinn-Hart Award is presented by the Bureau of the International Lithosphere Program to an outstanding young scientist for contributions to the solid earth sciences covered by the International Lithosphere Program. It consists of a travel grant and a citation, and aims to encourage the participation of promising young scientists in the Program. Candidates should be younger than 36 years old. Leaders of the ILP Project Teams and Coordinating Committees are invited to make nominations for the Flinn-Hart Award at any time. Nominators should include a letter of nomination and a Curriculum Vitae for each nominee. The selection will be made by the ILP Bureau and the Award will be presented at the annual meeting of the International Lithosphere Program. 

ILP_Call for Flinn Award 2025.pdf

Flinn-Hart Award Winners

2024 Eszter Békési - Hungary Homepage

2022 Pietro Sternai - Italy  Homepage

2019 Attila Balazs - Switzerland  Homepage

2018 Alexander Koptev - Germany/France  Homepage

2017 Fabio Luca Bonali - Italy  Homepage

2016 Mojtaba Rajabi - Australia/Iran  Homepage

2015 Philippe Yamato - France  Homepage

2012 Manuele Faccenda - Italy/Australia  Homepage

2011 Magdala Tesauro - Germany/Italy  Homepage

2010 Dirk Spengler - Japan/Germany  (Homepage)

2008 Jolante van Wijk - U.S.A.  Homepage  

2007 Alan S. Collins - Australia  Homepage

2000 Michael Bostock - Canada  Homepage

2000 Chris German - United Kingdom  (Homepage)

1999 Evgene Burov - France  

1997 Jan-Diederik van Wees - The Netherlands  Homepage

1995 Daniela Pantosti - Italy  Homepage

1993 Jean Philippe Avouac - France  Homepage

1992 Birgit Müller - Germany  Homepage

1991 Alessandro Tibaldi - Italy  Homepage