15th Workshop of the ILP Task Force VI Sedimentary Basins


We are happy to announce that the 15th Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force VI Sedimentary Basins will be organised between 17-19 November 2021 in Rueil-Malmaisson, France, with the overall theme Evolving knowledge of Sedimentary Basins for future safe and sustainable use of the subsurface”, hosted by IFP Energies nouvelles, located in the immediate vicinity of the Paris city. This is a very nice opportunity to have our Task Force meeting being hosted by one of the leading geoscience institutions of France. We believe that after two years of online meetings, an onsite physical presence meeting is a welcome change in pace.

At this moment we kindly ask you to book the dates in your agenda, while some details are available below and we will send a reminder after the website of the meeting is opened on 5 July. With the help of ILP and the in-kind support of IFPEN, our intention is to arrive to no (i.e. zero) payment of a registration fee, facilitating the participation of a wider audience including early career colleagues. The plan is to have a two days presentations meeting (18-19 November) preceded by a one day excursion (17 November). As usual, the workshop will be attached with the publications of a special volume logistically organised during and after the conference. Given the success of the special volume in Global and Planetary Change dedicated to the 2019 Heviz, Hungary meeting (see current details here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/global-and-planetary-change/special-issue/10J0V90TT3W), the intention is to continue with this high impact journal (IF ~4.5).

Further information on the meeting organisation:

Important Dates – Reminder:
• 5 July 2021 (website, Call for abstract) – Open registration (free)
• 13 September (deadline for submitting abstracts)
• 15 October (Final Programme)
• 17-19 November (Workshop)

General Theme of Workshop: Evolving knowledge of Sedimentary Basins for future safe and sustainable use of the subsurface
• Multi-scale tectonics, sedimentation and fluid-flow
• Fluid-rock interactions, multi-scale
• Groundwater in sedimentary basins
• Energy Georesources
• Mineral Georesources
• Underground geological storage
• Geo-hazard and Risk
• Environmental consequences of subsurface use, mitigation and societies
• Community Data (e.g. compiling community large datasets)