主讲课程: /
电话: 18200175549
电子信箱: kwb@ynu.edu.cn 受教育经历及工作经历: 2024 − 至今,讲师,云南大学
2021 − 2024年,博士后,四川大学,合作导师:蔡绪福教授
2016 − 2020年,博士,四川大学,导师:雷景新教授
2013 − 2016年,硕士,四川大学,导师:雷景新教授
2009 − 2013年,学士,四川大学
教学: 无
研究领域和兴趣: 动态高分子材料、柔性电子器件与光热储能等。
1. W. B. Kong, J. Y. Wang*, Y. Y. Hu, N. B. Cui, C. Q. Yan, X. F. Cai, P. Cheng*, P-type polymers in semitransparent organic photovoltaics. Angewandte chemie international edition, 2023, 62,e202307622. (IF:16.6)
2. F. H. Zeng, J. Y. Ning, Y. Y. Yang, C. Tian, L. Huang, F. Q. Zhao, Q. Liu, M. L. Cui, J. H. Lv, Y. Jiang, X. F. Cai, W. B. Kong*, A Photohealable Polyurethane with Superior Robustness and Healing Ratio, Macromolecules, 2022, 55, 19, 8741-8748. (IF:5.5)
3. Y. Y. Yang, X. F. Cai, W. B. Kong*, A novel intrinsic photothermal solid-solid phase change materials with super mechanical toughness and multi-recyclability. Applied Energy, 2023,332,120564.( IF:11.2)
4. C. Tian, J. Y. Ning, Y. Y. Yang, F. Zeng, L. Huang, Q. Liu, J. Lv, F. Zhao, W. B. Kong*, X. F. Cai*, Super tough and stable solid–solid phase change material based on π-π stacking, Chemical engineering journal, 2022, 429,132447. (IF:15.1)
5. M. L. Cui, C. Tian, Y. Y. Yang, L. Huang, Q. Liu, N. Yang, F. Q. Zhao, X. F. Cai, W. B. Kong*, Intrinsic photothermal phase change materials with enhanced toughness and flexibility for thermal management in extreme environments. Chemical engineering journal, 2023, 475, 146091. (IF:15.1)
6. W. B. Kong, Y. Y. Yang, Y. J. Wang, H. F. Cheng, P. Y. Yan, L. Huang, J. Y. Ning, F. H. Zeng, X. F. Cai*, M. Wang*, An ultra-low hysteresis, self-healing and stretchable conductor based on dynamic disulfide covalent adaptable networks. Journal of materials chemistry A, 2022,10, 2012-2020. (IF:11.9)
7. W. B. Kong, Y. Y. Yang, A. Q. Yuan, L. Jiang, X. W. Fu, Y. C. Wang, H. L. Xu, Z. M. Liu, J. X. Lei*, Processable and recyclable crosslinking solid-solid phase change materials based on dynamic disulfide covalent adaptable networks for thermal energy storage. Energy, 2021, 232, 121070. (IF:9.0)
8. W. B. Kong, Z.M. Liu, Y. Y. Yang, C.L. Zhou, J. X. Lei*, Preparation and characterizations of asphalt/lauric acid blends phase change materials for potential building materials. Construction and building materials, 2017, 152, 568-575. (IF:7.4)
9. C. Tian, Y. Y. Yang, Q. Liu, Y. Bai, F. Zhao, L. Huang, N. Yang, X. Cai, W.B. Kong*, Molecular regulation of flexible composites solid-solid phase change materials with controllable isotropic thermal conductivity for thermal energy storage. ACS Applied materials & interfaces, 2023, 10, 13165-13175. (IF:9.5)
10. Y. Y. Yang, Y. Xiao*, W. B. Kong*, Reliable and recyclable dynamically combinatorial epoxy networks for thermal energy storage, Solar energy, 2021, 230, 825-831. (IF:6.7)
11. W.B. Kong, Y. Y. Yang, C. L. Zhou, J. X. Lei*, Novel thermosetting phase change materials with polycarbonatediol based curing agent as supporting skeleton for thermal energy storage, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 146, 12-18, (IF:6.7)
12. W.B. Kong, X. W. Fu, Z. M. Liu, C. L. Zhou*, J. X. Lei*, A facile synthesis of solid-solid phase change material for thermal energy storage, Applied thermal engineering, 2017, 117, 622-628. (IF:6.4)
13. W.B. Kong, Y. Y. Yang, J. N. Ning, X. W. Fu, Y. J. Wang, A. Q. Yuan, L. Huang, J. Cao*, J. X. Lei*, A highly stable covalent adaptable network through π-π conjugated confinement effect, Polymer, 2022, 252, 124923. (IF:4.6)
14. J.Y. Ning, C. Tian, Y.Y. Y, L. Huang, J. Lv, F.H. Zeng, Q. Liu, F.Q. Zhao, W.B. Kong *, Xufu Cai*, novel intrinsic semi-aromatic polyamide dielectric toward excellent thermal stability, mechanical robustness and dielectric performance, Polymer, 2021, 234, 124233. (IF:4.6)
1. 云南大学引进人才启动项目,2024.4−2027.3,主持,在研
2. 四川省科技厅青年项目,2024.1– 2025.12,主持,在研
3. 科技部重点研发项目,2023.11– 2026.10,课题骨干,在研