电子信箱: lirong.sheng@ynu.edu.cn 受教育经历及工作经历: 2011和 2019 年先后获西南大学工学学士和理学博士学位;
2019-2022 年,北京大学 化学与分子工程学院 博士后;
2022-至今,云南大学 副教授。
研究领域和兴趣: 生物传感与治疗。
1. Li, R. S.; Liu, J.; Wen, C.; Shi, Y.; Ling, J.; Cao, Q.; Wang, L.; Shi, H.*; Huang, C. Z. *; Li, N*, Transformable nano-antibiotics for mechanotherapy and immune activation against drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Science Advances 2023, 9 (34), eadg9601. (IF=13.6, Nature Index)
2. Li, R. S.; Wen, C.; Huang, C. Z.*; Li, N.*, Functional molecules and nano-materials for the Golgi apparatus-targeted imaging and therapy. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2022, 156, 116714. (IF=13.1)
3. Li, R. S.; Liu, J.; Shi, H.*; Hu, P. P.; Wang, Y.; Gao, P. F.; Wang, J.; Jia, M.; Li, H.; Li, Y. F.; Mao, C.*; Li, N.*; Huang, C. Z.*, Transformable helical self-assembly for cancerous Golgi Apparatus disruption. Nano Letters 2021, 21 (19), 8455–8465. (IF=10.8, Nature Index)
4. Li, R. S.; Liu, J.; Yan, Y.; Su, C.; Lai, T.; Liao, Y.; Li, Y. F.; Li, N.*; Huang, C. Z.*, Aggregation-Enhanced Energy Transfer for Mitochondria-Targeted ATP Ratiometric Imaging in Living Cells. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (34), 11878-11886. (IF=7.3, Nature Index)
5. Li, R. S.; Liu, J. H.; Yang, T.; Gao, P. F.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Zhen, S. J.; Li, Y. F.; Huang, C. Z.*, Carbon Quantum Dots–Europium(III) Energy Transfer Architecture Embedded in Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes for Fingerprint Security and Document Counterspy. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (17), 11185-11191. (IF=7.3, Nature Index)
6. Li, R. S.; Gao, P. F.; Zhang, H. Z.; Zheng, L. L.; Li, C. M.; Wang, J.*; Li, Y. F.; Liu, F.; Li, N.*; Huang, C. Z.*, Chiral nanoprobes for targeting and long-term imaging of the Golgi apparatus. Chemical Science 2017, 8 (10), 6829–6835. (IF=8.4, Nature Index)
7. Li, R. S.; Yuan, B.; Liu, J. H.; Liu, M. L.; Gao, P. F.; Li, Y. F.; Li, M.; Huang, C. Z.*, Boron and nitrogen co-doped single-layered graphene quantum dots: a high-affinity platform for visualizing the dynamic invasion of HIV DNA into living cells through fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5 (44), 8719-8724. (IF=7.0)
8. Li, R. S.; Zhang, H. Z.; Ling, J.; Huang, C. Z.; Wang, J.*, Plasmonic platforms for colorimetric sensing of cysteine. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 2016, 51 (2), 129-147. (IF=6.1)
9. Li, R. S.; Liu, H.; Chen, B. B.; Zhang, H. Z.; Huang, C. Z.; Wang, J.*, Stable gold nanoparticles as a novel peroxidase mimic for colorimetric detection of cysteine. Analytical Methods 2016, 8 (11), 2494-2501. (IF=3.1)
10. 李荣生, 朱玲, 丁建美, 王吉, 王振兴, 徐晓玉, 付志锋*. 桂枝的引药作用机制及其对环丙沙星在小鼠体内分布的影响. 中国科学 2011, 41, 856-862.
11. Liu, J.; Li, R. S.; He, M.; Xu, Z.; Xu, L. Q.; Kang, Y.*; Xue, P.*, Multifunctional SGQDs-CORM@HA nanosheets for bacterial eradication through cascade-activated “nanoknife” effect and photodynamic/CO gas therapy. Biomaterials 2021, 277, 121084. (IF=14.0)
12. Tao, G.; Xu, X.; Li, R. S.; Liu, F.; Li, N., Nonamplification Multiplexed Assay of Endonucleases and DNA Methyltransferases by Colocalized Particle Counting. ACS Sensors 2021, 6 (3), 1321-1329. (IF=8.9)
13. Liu, J. H.; Li, D. Y.; He, J. H.; Yuan, D.; Li, R. S.; Zhen, S. J.; Li, Y. F.; Huang, C. Z.*, Polarity-Sensitive Polymer Carbon Dots Prepared at Room-Temperature for Monitoring the Cell Polarity Dynamics during Autophagy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (4), 4815-4820. (IF=9.5)
14. Liu, J. H.; Li, R. S.; Yuan, B.; Wang, J.; Li, Y. F.; Huang, C. Z., Mitochondria-targeting single-layered graphene quantum dots with dual recognition sites for ATP imaging in living cells. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (36), 17402-17408. (IF=6.7)
15. He, X.; Zhao, Z.; Xiong, L.-H.; Gao, P. F.; Peng, C.; Li, R. S.; Xiong, Y.; Li, Z.; Sung, H. H. Y.; Williams, I. D.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Huang, C. Z.; Ma, N.; Tang, B. Z.*, Redox-Active AIEgen-Derived Plasmonic and Fluorescent Core@Shell Nanoparticles for Multimodality Bioimaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (22), 6904-6911. (IF=15.0, Nature Index)
16. Wang, J.*; Li, R. S.; Zhang, H. Z.; Wang, N.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, C. Z.*, Highly fluorescent carbon dots as selective and visual probes for sensing copper ions in living cells via an electron transfer process. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2017, 97, 157-163. (IF=12.6)
17. Ma, J.; Zhan, L.; Li, R. S.; Gao, P. F.; Huang, C. Z.*, Color Encoded Assays for the Simultaneous Quantification of Dual Cancer Biomarkers. Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89 (16), 8484-8489. (IF=7.3, Nature Index)
18. Liu, M. L.; Zou, H. Y.; Li, C. M.; Li, R. S.; Huang, C. Z.*, Aptamer-modified selenium nanoparticles for dark-field microscopy imaging of nucleolin. Chemical Communications 2017, 53 (97), 13047-13050. (IF=4.9, Nature Index)
19. Liu, M. L.; Yang, L.; Li, R. S.; Chen, B. B.; Liu, H.; Huang, C. Z.*, Large-scale simultaneous synthesis of highly photoluminescent green amorphous carbon nanodots and yellow crystalline graphene quantum dots at room temperature. Green Chemistry 2017, 19 (15), 3611-3617. (IF=9.8)
20. Liu, M. L.; Chen, B. B.; Li, R. S.; Li, C. M.; Zou, H. Y.; Huang, C. Z.*, Dendritic CuSe with Hierarchical Side-Branches: Synthesis, Efficient Adsorption, and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities under Daylight. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 5 (5), 4154-4160. (IF=8.4)
21. Chen, B. B.; Li, R. S.; Liu, M. L.; Zhang, H. Z.; Huang, C. Z.*, Self-exothermic reaction prompted synthesis of single-layered graphene quantum dots at room temperature. Chemical Communications 2017, 53 (36), 4958-4961. (IF=4.9, Nature Index)
22. Gao, P. F.; Gao, M. X.; Zou, H. Y.; Li, R. S.; Zhou, J.; Ma, J.; Wang, Q.; Liu, F.; Li, N.; Li, Y. F.; Huang, C. Z.*, Plasmon-induced light concentration enhanced imaging visibility as observed by a composite-field microscopy imaging system. Chemical Science 2016, 7 (8), 5477-5483. (IF=8.4, Nature Index)
1. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2024.1-2026.12,主持;
2. 云南大学引进人才启动项目,2022.7-2028.6,主持;
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M670015),2016.1-2019.12,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(22134005),2022.1-2026.12,参与;
5. 王健;李荣生,“具有持续高尔基体靶向成像能力的碳点及其制备方法”,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201510348514.0,授权时间:2017-03-08。
1. 北京分析测试科技成果及青年人才成长评价三等奖;
2. 北京分子科学国家研究中心BMS Junior Fellow 。