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Biotic interactions mediate the expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) into salt marshes under climate change


Hongyu Guo, Yihui

Zhang , Zhenjiang Lan, Steven C. Pennings.Global Change Biology,2013. 19: 2765–2774.


species are expanding their distributions to higher latitudes due to global

warming. Understanding the mechanismsunderlying these distribution shifts is

critical for better understanding the impacts of climate changes. Theclimate

envelope approach is widely used to model and predict species distribution

shifts with changing climates.Biotic interactions between species, however, may

also influence species distributions, and a better understanding ofbiotic

interactions could improve predictions based solely on climate envelope models.

Along the northern Gulf ofMexico coast, USA, subtropical black mangrove

(Avicennia germinans) at the northern limit of its distribution

growssympatrically with temperate salt marsh plants in Florida, Louisiana, and

Texas. In recent decades, freeze-freewinters have led to an expansion of black

mangrove into salt marshes. We examined how biotic interactions betweenblack mangrove

and salt marsh vegetation along the Texas coast varied across (i) a latitudinal

gradient (associatedwith a winter-temperature gradient); (ii) the elevational

gradient within each marsh (which creates different marshhabitats); and (iii)

different life history stages of black mangroves (seedlings vs. juvenile

trees). Each of these variablesaffected the strength or nature of biotic

interactions between black mangrove and salt marsh vegetation: (i) Salt

marshvegetation facilitated black mangrove seedlings at their high-latitude

distribution limit, but inhibited black mangroveseedlings at lower latitudes;

(ii) mangroves performed well at intermediate elevations, but grew and survived

poorlyin high- and low-marsh habitats; and (iii) the effect of salt marsh vegetation

on black mangroves switched from negativeto neutral as black mangroves grew

from seedlings into juvenile trees. These results indicate that the expansionof

black mangroves is mediated by complex biotic interactions. A better

understanding of the impacts of climatechange on ecological communities

requires incorporating context-dependent biotic interactions into species



上一条:Silicon Alleviation of Cadmium Toxicity in Mangrove (Avicennia marina) in Relation to Cadmium Compartmentation.
下一条:Inhibitory kinetics of DABT and DABPT as novel tyrosinase inhibitors
