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【生态与环境讲坛317讲】Bacterial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in Villarrica Lake Sediments (Southern Chile)

  • 报告题目:Bacterial Community and Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria in Villarrica Lake Sediments (Southern Chile)
  • 系列:生态与环境讲坛第317
  • 报告人/召集人:Milko Jorquera 教授/拉弗龙特拉大学(智利特木科)
  • 时间:2024-04-19 10:00:00
  • 地点:金泉楼A239会议室
  • 个人简介

    Dr. Jorquera currently serves as a professor and one of the leaders at the Applied Microbial Ecology Laboratory (EMALAB) at the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile. The primary goal of EMALAB is to advance understanding of the ecology and biotechnological applications of microorganisms in Chile's terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Dr. Jorquera’s research is primarily aimed at: i) exploring the role of microbial communities in nutrient cycling and their effects on macroorganisms, ii) investigating the diversity and dynamics of microbial populations in Chilean ecosystems affected by climatic and anthropogenic changes, iii) elucidating the genetic and biochemical pathways that govern microbial interactions with their environments, and iv) devising strategies for the biological management of resources that leverage the genetic and metabolic capabilities of microorganisms. His laboratory has contributed over 100 papers to peer-reviewed international journals, with 50 of these published in the past five years. The majority of these publications are in journals ranked in the top quartiles (Q1 and Q2) of their respective fields.