

洪华龙   助理教授
Hualong Hong   Assistant Professor

详细资料 - 洪华龙助理教授

个人履历 Brief CV

  • 厦门大学 助理教授(2021.08至今)

    厦门大学 博士后(2018.04–2021.07)

    弗吉尼亚理工大学 访问学者(2018.12-2019.11)

    厦门大学 水生生物学博士(2017)

    厦门大学 生态学学士(2010)

    Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2021.08-present)

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Xiamen University (2018.04–2021.07)

    Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech (2018.12-2019.11)

    Ph.D, Aquatic Biology, Xiamen University (2017)

    BS, Ecology, Xiamen University (2010)

研究方向 Research Interests

  • 痕量金属的生物效应及污染风险评价、人类活动的环境印迹 Biological effects of trace metals and pollution risk; evaluation;Environmental footprints of human activities

代表性论文 Selected Publications

  • Shengjie Wu#, Hualong Hong#, Lu Qian, Jiangzhiqian Xiong, Yanping You, Zhaoyang Wu, Jingchun Liu, Chongling Yan, Haoliang Lu, 2021. Sunlight and Microorganism Mediated Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics along the Mangrove Creek-Estuary Continuum, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 260:107496. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107496

    Hualong Hong#, Shengjie Wu#, Qiang Wang, Minyue Dai, Lu Qian, Heng Zhu, Junwei Li, Jie Zhang, Jingchun Liu, Jian Li, Haoliang Lu, and Chongling Yan*, Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter Facilitates the Phytoavailability of Copper in the Coastal Wetlands Influenced by Artificial Topography. Science of the Total Environment. 790:147865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147855

    Hualong Hong#, Shengjie Wu#, Qiang Wang, Qian Lu, Haoliang Lu, Jingchun Liu, Hsing-Juh Lin, Jie Zhang, Wei-Bin Xu, and Chongling Yan*, 2021. Trace Metal Pollution Risk Assessment in Urban Mangrove Patches: Potential Linkage with the Spectral Characteristics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter. Environmental Pollution 272:115996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115996

    Hong, Hualong#, Junwei Li#, Qiang Wang, Haoliang Lu, Jingchun Liu, Yun-wei Dong, Jie Zhang, Jian Li, Mark A. Williams, Bangqin Huang*, and Chongling Yan*. 2020. The Legacy of Trace Metal Deposition from Historical Anthropogenic River Management: A Regional Driver of Offshore Sedimentary Microbial Diversity. Journal of Hazardous Materials 400:123164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123164

    Hong, Hualong, Minyue Dai, Haoliang Lu, Jingchun Liu, Jie Zhang, and Chongling Yan. 2018. “Risk Assessment and Driving Factors for Artificial Topography on Element Heterogeneity: Case Study at Jiangsu, China. Environmental Pollution 233: 246–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.020.

    Hong, Hualong, Minyue Dai, Haoliang Lu, Jingchun Liu, Jie Zhang, Chaoqi Chen, Kang Xia*, and Chongling Yan*. 2017. “Artificial Topography Changes the Growth Strategy of Spartina Alterniflora, Case Study with Wave Exposure as a Comparison.” Scientific Reports 7 (1): 15768. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-16122-w.

部分科研课题 Selected Research Programmes

  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2020-2022):红树林凋落物分解过程硫酸盐还原微生物驱动的重金属归趋
    NSFC-National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Program: Fate of heavy metals driven by sulfate-reducting microorganism during the mangrove litter decomposition (2020-2022, PI)