

方秦华   教授
Qinhua Fang   Professor

详细资料 - 方秦华教授

个人履历 Brief CV

    • 2006 厦门大学博士 | PhD, Xiamen University

    • 2006-2009 厦门大学博士后 | Post-Doctoral Scholar, Xiamen University

    • 2007-2008 美国特拉华大学海洋政策中心访问学者 | Visiting Scholar, University of Delaware

    • 2009-2016 厦门大学副教授 | Associate Professor, Xiamen University

    • 2013 东亚海环境管理伙伴关系组织访问学者 | Visiting Fellow, Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA)

    • 2016- 厦门大学教授 | Professor, Xiamen University

研究方向 Research Interests

  • 环境系统评估、海洋空间规划、海洋政策研究 Environmental Systems Analysis; Marine Spatial Planning; Marine Policy Studies

代表性论文 Selected Publications

  • Deqiang Ma, Liyu Zhang, Qinhua Fang*, Yuwu Jiang, Michael Elliott. The cumulative effects assessment of a coastal ecological restoration project in China: An integrated perspective, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.02.043

    Ma, Deqiang; Fang, Qinhua*; Gong, Wenjuan; Liu, Daofeng; Liu, Yonghong. Divergence between general public’s risk perception and environmental risk assessment: a case study of p-xylene projects in China, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10807039.2016.1239180

    Qinhua Fang* and Deqiang Ma. "Reducing Use Conflicts through Marine Functional Zoning." In Case studies and Good Management Practices in ICM. Chua, T.E., Ross, A.R., Jacinto, G, Chou L.M., Bermas N., Bonga, D., and D. Factuar, eds.. Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia and Coastal Management Center, Quezon City, Philippines. Forthcoming (June 2016)

    Deqiang Ma, Qinhua Fang*, Shuhao Liao. Applying the Ocean Health Index framework to the city level: a case study of Xiamen, China, Ecological Indicators, 66 (2016): 281-290.

    Bereket Tesfamariam Habtemariam and Qinhua Fang*. Zoning for a multiple-use Marine Protected Area using spatial multi-criteria analysis: the case of the Sheik Seid Marine National Park in Eritrea, Marine Policy, 63 (2016): 135-143.

    Deqiang Ma, Qinhua Fang*, Song Guan. Current legal regime for environmental impact assessment in areas beyond national jurisdiction and its future approaches. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 56 (2016): 23–30.

    Umuhire, M.L., Fang, Q*. Method and application of ocean environmental awareness measurement: Lessons learnt from university students of China. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2016, 102 (2): 289-294.

    Hua-Xia Sheng, Paolo F Ricci*, Qinhua Fang, Legally binding precautionary and prevention principles: Aspects of epistemic uncertain causation, Environmental Science and Policy, 54(2015):185-198.

    Kan-kan Wu, Luo-ping Zhang*, Qin-hua Fang. An approach and methodology of environmental risk assessment for strategic decision-making. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 16(3): 1-21.

    Jan Lundqvist, Peter Koefoed Bjørnsen, Josh Weinberg, Birgitta Liss Lymer and Fang Qinhua. Bridging divides between land, water, coast and sea. In Jägerskog, A., Clausen, T. J., Lexén, K., and Holmgren, T. (eds.) 2013. Cooperation for a Water Wise World – Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Report Nr. 32. SIWI, Stockholm. (ISBN: 978-91-978846-8-6)

    Joanna Josephine Berliarang, Qinhua Fang*. Management effectiveness evaluation of Bunaken National Park of Indonesia using an updated framework. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 610-613 (2013), Zurich-Durnten, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 3180-3185.

    Rong Mu, Luoping Zhang, Qinhua Fang*. Ocean-related zoning and planning in China: A review. Ocean and Coastal Management, 2013, 82: 64-70.

    Qinhua Fang*; Ran Zhang; Luoping Zhang; Huasheng Hong. 2011. Marine Functional Zoning in China: Experience and Prospects. Coastal Management, 39(6): 656-667.

    Guihua WANG, Qinhua FANG*, Luoping ZHANG, Weiqi CHEN, Zhenming CHEN & Huasheng HONG. Valuing the Effects of Hydropower Development on Watershed Ecosystem Services: Case Studies in the Jiulong River Watershed, Fujian Province, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86 (2010) 363–368.

部分科研课题 Selected Research Programmes

  • 2016-2017 海洋空间规划在国家管辖范围以外海域应用的可行性研究,国家海洋局海洋战略研究所,主持 [Study on marine spatial planning in areas beyond national jurisdiction]

    2016-2017, Study on international best practices for cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning (Xiamen Case Study), EU MARE/2014/40, Regional Expert

    2015-2016 国家管辖范围以外环境影响评价问题研究,国家海洋局海洋战略研究所,主持 [Study on environmental impact assessment in areas beyond national jurisdiction]

    2015-2017 海洋保护区生态系统服务价值流评估:苏格兰和中国厦门案例研究,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,主持 [Ecosystem service value flow of marine protected areas: Comparison of Scotland and Xiamen China]

    2014-2017 围填海格局变动下半封闭海湾区域综合风险的机理、模型与防范. 国家自然科学基金,主持 [Regional integrated risk in semi-enclosed bay in the changing coastal reclamation pattern]

    2014-2016 海洋环境与生态保护相关问题研究- 新形势下海洋安全理论内涵、评估方法与案例研究,海洋咨询中心,主持 [Ocean safety: theories, methods and case studies]

    2014-2015 厦门海域环境累积性影响评价(2009-2013年),厦门市海洋与渔业局,专题负责 [Cumulative impact assessment in Xiamen sea areas]

    2013-2014 国家外专局重点外专引智项目,主持

    2013-2014, Environmental and Social Risks of Heavy Chemical Factory, Social Science Research Council, PI

    2013-2014, Constructed wetland benefit evaluation, PEMSEA-World Bank Knowledge Management Project, PI

    2012 漳浦县城市总体规划环境影响与生态风险评估专题技术研究, 中科院城市环境研究所,主持 [Environmental impact and ecological risk of urban master plan in Zhangpu County]

    2011-2014 厦门湾海域使用格局的多重生态效应及其应用研究,厦门大学教师类基础创新科研基金(中央高校基本科研业务费),主持 [Multiple ecological effects of sea use patterns in Xiamen sea areas]

    2010-2011 我国城市居民对垃圾处理风险的评价和应对,Social Science Research Council,专题负责 [Risk perception on waste treatment methods in Chinese urban citizens]

    2010-2012 福建省重点流域水环境综合管理科技支撑,福建省环境保护厅,专题负责(专题一流域水环境系统评估)[Integrated assessment of watershed environments in Fujian Province, a sub-task of Integrated management science and technology for watershed environments]

    2010-2012 海岸带主体功能区划分技术体系框架研究与应用示范,国家海洋局2009海洋公益性项目,参与 [Coastal principle functional zoning: methodologies and applications]

    2009-2011 流域生态补偿标准量化的多学科集成方法,福建省自然科学基金,主持 [Payment for ecosystem services (ecological compensation) in watershed]

    2009-2010 中国海洋可持续发展的生态环境问题与政策建议,第6专题“陆源及其他来源污染物对海洋生态环境的影响”,国合会(CCICED),主要承担 [Land-based pollution and its ecological effects on marine environments]

    2009-2010 福建省湾外围填海规划及备选方案可行性研究,福建省海洋与渔业厅,主要承担 [Study on coastal reclamation planning and alternatives in Fujian Province]

    2008-2010 流域水电资源开发生态补偿的机制与政策研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持 [Ecological compensation of hydropower development in the watershed: theories and policies]

    2008-2009 我国近岸典型海域环境质量评价和环境容量研究子专题:厦门湾海域环境质量评价和环境容量研究,国家908项目,参加 [Marine environmental quality and its carrying capacity in Xiamen sea areas]

    2008-2009 Watershed Non-point Source Pollution Control and Policy Analysis - A Case Study in Jiulong River Watershed, Social Science Research Council, co-PI

    2007-2009 福建省海岸带开发活动环境效应评价,福建省908专项,参加 [Environmental effects of coastal development in Fujian Province]

    2007-2009 流域水电资源开发生态补偿标准量化的集成方法研究,博士后科学基金,主持 [Ecological compensation of hydropower development in the watershed: how much to pay]

    2007-2009 美国海洋环境政策的发展演变及其启示,中国海洋发展研究中心,主持 [Study on marine policy evolvement in the United States]