

黄晓佳   教授
Xiaojia Huang   Professor
Office Location:C320 (Office) / C311 (Lab) CEE Building

详细资料 - 黄晓佳教授

个人履历 Brief CV

  • 厦门大学化学系博士后(2003-2005)




    Post-Doctoral Scholar,Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University (2003-2005)

    Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2005-2011)

    Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, USA (2009-2010)

    Professor, Xiamen University (2011-)

研究方向 Research Interests

  • 环境分析化学、有毒污染物分离分析、样品制备技术 Environmental analytical chemistry; Separation and analysis of toxic pollutants; Sample pretreatment.

代表性论文 Selected Publications

  • Mei, M; Huang, XJ; Yuan, DX. 2014. Multiple Monolithic Fiber Solid-phase Microextraction: A New Extraction Approach for Aqueous samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1345: 29-36

    Huang, XJ; Zhang, Y; Yuan, DX. 2014. Preparation of Sorbent Based on Porous Monolith Incorporated with Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for Stir Cake Sorptive Extraction of Strongly Polar Aromatic Amines. Analytical Methods, 6(5): 1510-1516.

    Huang, XJ; Zhang, Y; Mei, M; Yuan, DX. 2014. Preparation of Monolithic Fibers for the Solid-phase Microextraction of Chlorophenols in Water Samples. Journal of Separation Science, 37(9-10): 1185-1193

    Huang, XJ; Wang, YL; Liu, Y; Yuan, DX. 2013. Preparation of Magnetic Poly (vinylimidazole-co-divinylbenzene) Nanoparticles and Their Application in the Trace Analysis of Fluoroquinolones in Environmental Water Samples. Journal of Separation Science, 36(19): 3210-3219

    Huang, XJ; Wang, YL; Hong, QY; Liu, Y; Yuan, DX. 2013. Preparation a New Sorbent Based on Polymeric Ionic liquid for Stir Cake Sorptive Extraction of Organic Compounds and Inorganic Anions. Journal of Chromatographya, 1314: 7-14

    Huang, XJ; Chen, LL; Yuan, DX. 2013. Development of Monolith-based Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction and Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Sensitive Determination of Ten Sulfonamides in Pork and Chicken Samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(21): 6885-6889

    Huang, XJ; Chen, LL; Chen, M; Yuan, DX; Nong, SY. 2013. Sensitive Monitoring of Penicillin Antibiotics in Milk and Honey Treated by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction Based on Monolith and LC-electrospray MS Detection. Journal of Separation Science, 36(5): 907-915

部分科研课题 Selected Research Programmes

  • 2014年1月-2017年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目“功能化聚离子液体为吸附剂搅拌饼固相萃取新技术及其在超痕量污染物监测中的应用研究”(21377105)




荣誉奖励 Honors and rewards

  • “福建省新世纪优秀人才计划”入选者(2012-2014)