Nearby Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array
Title: Nearby Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array Speaker: Christine Wilson教授(加拿大皇家学会院士、科学院院士,加拿大天文学会主席) Institute: 加拿大麦克玛斯特大学 Time: 2017.04.14(Frid...
2017-04-11Title: Nearby Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array Speaker: Christine Wilson教授(加拿大皇家学会院士、科学院院士,加拿大天文学会主席) Institute: 加拿大麦克玛斯特大学 Time: 2017.04.14(Frid...
2017-04-11Title: 费米耀变体的能谱分布和喷流效应Speaker: 樊军辉 教授(国家杰出青年科学基金获得者)Institute: 广州大学Time: 2017.04.13(Thursday) 14:30Place: Physics Building 573, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen UniversityAbstract: 在这个工作中,我们将介绍利用费米探测到的耀变体的多波段数据,计算它们的能谱分布,得到峰频、峰频光度、曲率参量和积分光度,同时给出了射电、光学、X和伽玛波段的单频光度以及有效谱指数。在此基础...
2017-04-10Title: Hunting Dark Matter in the Universe Speaker: Dr. Jiaxin Han Institute: The University of Tokyo Time: 2017.04.10(Monday) 10:00 Place: Physics Building 552, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University Ab...
2017-04-07讲座人姓名:Kang L. Wang (王康隆) 教授 Dr. Wang is currently Distinguished Professor and the Raytheon Chair Professor in Physical Science and Electronics in the University of California, Los Angeles ...
2017-04-05Title: CMB & power asymmetry anomaly & multi-speed inflation Speaker: Professor Yifu Cai Institute: University of Science and Technology of China Time: 2017.04.06(T...
2017-04-05Title: The sharpest view of the cosmic objects taken by VLBI Speaker: Tao An, Research Fellow (射电天文研究与技术创新中心主任,65米望远镜副首席科学家) Institute: Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Tim...
2017-03-27Title: B-mode cosmologySpeaker: Professor Wen Zhao(优秀青年科学基金获得者)Institute: University of Science and Technology of ChinaTime: 2017.03.23(Thursday) 14:30Place: Physics Building 573, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen UniversityAbstract:磁场型的B-模偏振信号是目前宇宙微波背景辐射探测主要目标,它包含了丰富的宇宙学信息,除了作为原初引力波探测唯一窗口之外,它也是研究宇宙弱引力透镜效应,宇宙学双折射效应等...
2017-03-20Title: LAMOST银河系光谱巡天 Speaker: Professor Xiaowei Liu (国家杰出青年,973项目首席科学家,国际天文联合会副主席) Institute: 北京大学科维理研究所(KIAA) Time: 2017.03.16(Thursday) 14:30 P...
2017-03-13Title: Colour gradient bias in weak lensing observation Speaker:Doctor Xinzhong Er Institute: INAF-Observatory of Rome Time:2017.03.14(Tuesday) 10:10 Place:Physics Building 407, Haiyun Campus, X...
2017-03-13Title: THz Atmospheric Transmission Measured at Dome A in Antarctic Speaker: Sheng-Cai Shi, Research Fellow Institute: Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, China Key Lab of Radio Astronom...