10月19日(本周三)晚上9:00,英国卡迪夫大学物理学院天文学线上讲座:Simulating young evolving relativistic jets from supermassive black holes
由IUCAA教授 Dipanjan Mukherjee主讲。欢迎老师同学参加!会议信息如下
link: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83954362089?pwd=WEF3Z0JWS1RPd0llV0lqUUwvSU9vQT09
Meeting ID: 839 5436 2089
Password: astrocdf
Relativistic jets from AGNs are an important driver of feedback in galaxies with an active black hole. They impact the nearby environment over different physical scales during their lifetime, with varying effects. They first interact with the host galaxy's ISM before breaking out to larger scales, significantly affecting the galaxy's morphology and evolution. I shall present the results of our recent 3D relativistic (magneto) hydrodynamic simulations, performed on scales of several kpc, of AGN jets interacting with the ambient ISM and CGM. The young relativistic jets initially couple strongly
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