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The internal energy of quantum systems and its additivity


讲座论坛 期数
主题 The internal energy of quantum systems and its additivity 演讲者 Frederico Borges de Brito
时间 2022年10月19日 (周三) 22:00 机构 University of São Paulo
地点 互联网


10月19日(本周三)晚上10:00,英国卡迪夫大学物理学院物理学线上讲座:The internal energy of quantum systems and its additivity

由Technology Innovation Institute, São Carlos Institute of Physics – University of São Paulo教授Frederico Borges de Brito主讲。欢迎老师同学参加!会议信息如下

link: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83954362089?pwd=WEF3Z0JWS1RPd0llV0lqUUwvSU9vQT09

Meeting ID: 839 5436 2089

Password: astrocdf

In this seminar, we will address the difficulties encountered in defining the internal energy of a quantum system when studying energy exchanges in open quantum systems. This is an essential aspect of the so-called quantum thermodynamics, which claims the formulation of theoretical machinery that could be consistent for both the system of interest and its environment. Here, we will see that there is a formulation in which such consistency is naturally present and recovers the usual thermodynamic aspects of internal energy, e.g., its additivity.