Inference via simultaneous confidence band (SCB) is investigated for the mean function of stationary functional time series data with infinite moving average structure. A B-spline estimator is proposed for the mean function together with an SCB which is asymptotically correct. Under mild conditions, the B-spline estimator and its accompanying SCB enjoy oracle efficiency in the sense that they are asymptotically equivalent to the counterparts obtained from the random trajectories entirely observed without errors. Simulation studies are carried out which strongly corroborate the asymptotic theory. The use of SCB is illustrated by analyzing an ElectroEncephalogram (EEG) data. 本场讲座采取预约制,名额有限,有意线上参加者请点击下方链接报名,报名后如无法参加请自行取消报名。 报名链接:点击报名 注册成功后zoom会通过email发送听会连接,请注意把no-reply@zoom.us放入白名单,或重新查看注册页面以获取听会连接 |