
Shape, Size, Composition, and Temperature Seclective Spectroscopy of Clusters @ CSSM Group


实验技术 & 理论方法

o   Mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy

o   Photodetachment, (UV-Vis-IR) photodissociation, and photoionization

o   Magnetic-bottle and velocity map imaging (VMI) electron analyzers

o   Instrumentation: High vacuum and ultra-high vacuum

o  Electrospray ionization, laser ablation, molecular beam supersonic/Laval nozzle expansion, low-pressure cell collision, and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)         generation via 4-wave mixing

o   Quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations

o   Chemical plating, electroplating, and basic organic/inorganic synthesis

o   Sol-Gel and MOCVD methods for thin film preparation


o   Infrared multiphoton photodissociation spectroscopy of heteronuclear metal (oxide) clusters and their reaction properties with small molecules (model catalysis) using free electron laser facility and low-pressure collision cell;

o   Molecular-level understanding of vapor phase nucleation and cluster growth using uniform Laval expansions and VUV single photon ionization (SPI) mass spectrometry;

o   Molecular level understanding of the early stages (pre-nucleation clusters) of atmospheric aerosol new particle formation;

o   In-situ study of interfacial ozonation processes and related chemistry in the atmosphere and electro-sprayed droplet surface;

o   Transient organic/inorganic radicals important in organic/inorganic synthesis & astrochemistry;

o   Transition state spectroscopy employing the photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy;

o   Molecular level understanding of solvation and dissolution mechanisms of important salts and Hofmeister series anions in polar solvents and their interactions with biological molecules as well as ion pairing behavior;

o   Electronic structures of organometallic complexes and their interactions with small biological molecules;

o   Electronic structures and geometric structural evolution of (doped) metal clusters and superatom (superhalogen/hyperhalogen) species.


o   荷兰自由电子激光光源(FELIX) 光源机时 (August, 2024 – January, 2025)。主持,批准号:FELIX-2024-2-14. 3 shifts

o   Mechanistic aspects of dehydrogenation reactions on metal-fullerene complexes. Co-PI, 批准号:G033724N (2024-2027)

o   加拿大光源(Canadian Light Source, CLS)光源Cycle 39 (January – December, 2024)机时。主持,批准号:36G12498,14 shifts

o   加拿大光源(Canadian Light Source, CLS)光源Cycle 38 (July – December, 2023)机时。主持,批准号:36G12498,24 shifts

o   荷兰自由电子激光光源(FELIX) 光源机时 (February – July, 2023)。主持,批准号:FELIX-2023-1-10. 5 shifts

o   团簇物理与原子制造创新团队。陕西省创新能力支撑计划:创新人才推进计划-科技创新团队(陕西省科学技术厅),主持,批准号:2023-CX-TD-49 (2023-2025)

o   富勒烯–货币金属团簇的结构与性质。基金委重大研究计划(培育),主持,批准号:92261101 (2023-2025)

o   溶剂化氢键团簇中的质子转移动力学研究。基金委面上项目,主持,批准号:22273070 (2023-2026)

o   加拿大光源(Canadian Light Source, CLS)光源Cycle 37 (January – June, 2023)机时。主持,批准号:36G12498,11 shifts

o   碳基金属单原子/团簇催化制氢机制及应用。科技部外专项目,主持,批准号: G2022170018L (2022-2023)

o   原子制造与器件物理创新团队,西安交通大学。批准号:xtr052022007(2022-2024),参与,2/12

o   团簇谱学精密测量与结构调控。陕西省“高层次人才引进计划”项目,主持,2022-2025

o   陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目,主持。批准号:2021-005(2021-2023)

o   加拿大光源(Canadian Light Source, CLS) 光源Cycle 36 (July – December, 2022)机时。主持,批准号:36G12498,15 shifts

o   Carbon molecular nanostructures in space (NanoSpace) (European Cooperation in Science & Technology, COST). CA21126 (2022-2026), Participated (Secondary Proposer)

o   团簇结构、光谱学及其动力学(Cluster structure, spectroscopy, and dynamics)。西安交通大学青年拔尖人才支持计划A,主持,批准号:WL6J010(2022-2028) 

o   荷兰自由电子激光光源(FELIX) 光源机时 (August – January, 2020)。主持,批准号:FELIX002725. 5 shifts

o   Highly sensitive infrared spectrometer (KU Leuven; 2021-2022). Initiator/PI

o   荷兰自由电子激光光源(FELIX) 光源机时 (February – July, 2019)。主持,批准号:FELIX2019xxxx. 5 shifts

o   How electron correlations determine the magnetism and electronic excited states of transition metal oxide clusters  (FWO; 2018-2022). Participated

o   Phase transitions of ultrafine aerosol particles: Condensation, freezing, and metal formation in confined systems (Swiss NSF 172472; 2017-2021). Participated

o   In-situ study of interfacial ozonation processes and related chemistry using ion droplet/ozone flow-tube reactor (PNNL; 2017). Principle Investigator

o   Integrated experimental and computational approach to molecular based characterization of aerosol particle formation (PNNL; 2015-2017). Participated

o  Gas phase study of solution phase species and chemistry using variable temperature photoelectron spectrometer (US Department of Energy; 2014-2017). Participated

o  Study of the dissolution of alkali sulfate in water (碱金属硫酸盐在水中溶解的微观机理研究) (China NSF; 2012-2014). Participated

o   Photoelectron spectroscopy and photodissociation study of transition metal doped silicon and geranium clusters (过渡金属掺杂硅、锗半导体团簇的光电子能谱和激光光解离研究) (China NSF; 2012-2014). Participated

o   Preparation and characterization of indium tin oxide (ITO) nanoparticles (纳米ITO多孔粉体材料的制备和性能研究)(UESTC; 2008). Principle Investigator

o   Fabrication and characterization of porous polymer thin films (聚合物多孔薄膜的制备与表征) (UESTC; 2007). Principle Investigator


2019              Time-of-flight mass spectrometry of AgV & CuV clusters (short-term master project, 2 people; KU Leuven)

2018              Teaching assistant of practical physical chemistry for the 4th semester ETH students  (150 hours, ETH Zurich)

2015-2017    Tutoring and training the visiting scholars/students in the laboratory (4 people; PNNL)

2012-1014    Tutoring and training the fresh graduate students in the laboratory (3 people; ICCAS)

2008-2009    Class teacher/mentor for 2008 fresh undergraduate students (35 people; UESTC)

2007-2008    Teaching assistant of the physical chemistry experiments for the second year undergraduate students (30 people; UESTC)