Selected Oral Presentations & Invited Talks
Dec. 10, 2024. "Infrared Spectroscopy of Fullerene-metal Complexes and Their Cosmic Relevance". Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leuven, Belgium.
Nov. 21, 2024. "Infrared Spectroscopy of Fullerene-metal Complexes and Their Cosmic Relevance". Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, German.
Nov. 04, 2024. "Infrared Spectroscopy of Fullerene-metal Complexes and Their Cosmic Relevance". Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Leipzig, German.
Sep. 19-21, 2024. “科学驱动的物理化学仪器创制”专项研讨会,上海。
Sep. 11-14, 2024. "Infrared Spectroscopy of Fullerene-metal Complexes and Their Potential Cosmic Relevance". The 8th Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy (AWMS), Changchun, Jilin.
Sep. 08-10, 2024. "Potential Cosmic Relevance of Fullerene-metal Complexes". 11th International Asian Congress 3rd Astronomy Symposium, Toruń, Poland.
Aug. 23-26, 2024. “Fullerene-metal clusters: From fundamental structure to single-atom catalysis”. 3rd International Symposium on New Molecules and Clusters, 上海。
Aug. 01-05. "富勒烯奇异几何-电子效应助力金属催化"。第五届团簇科学与原子制造学术研讨会,呼和浩特,内蒙古。
Jul. 04-09, 2024. “Fullerene-supported metal atoms as potential carriers of astronomical unidentified infrared emission bands”. The 2nd International Workshop on Astrochemistry(第二届天文化学国际研讨会),重庆。
Jun. 15-18, 2024. "富勒烯-金团簇的激发态电荷弛豫动力学"。中国化学会第34 届学术年会(54分会:化学动力学),广州,广东。
Mar. 12, 2024. "富勒烯-金属团簇的光谱、结构与性质”。青年学者“谈”化学物理,化学物理学报编辑部(线上)。
Jan. 24, 2024. "富勒烯-金属团簇的光谱、结构与性质”。原子分子科学论坛,吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所,长春,吉林。
Jan. 21-25, 2024. "富勒烯衍生物的星际重要性"。分子云中的物理与化学研讨会,吉林化工学院,吉林,吉林。
Jan. 15-18, 2024. "富勒烯-金属团簇的红外光谱与结构” 。国家自然科学基金委员会“团簇构造、功能及多级演化”重大研究计划2023年度学术交流会, 深圳,广东。
Dec. 10, 2023. "星际碳基分子的高分辨光谱学"。深圳自由电子激光装置星际科学实验站2023年用户专题研讨会,深圳综合粒子设施研究院,深圳,广东。
Nov. 11, 2023. "高灵敏高分辨标记光谱学技术的开发与应用"。生物医学工程光学前沿交叉论坛,西安交通大学,西安,陕西。
Aug. 21-25, 2023. "富勒烯金属团簇:从基础到应用”。第22届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,西安交通大学,西安,陕西。
Aug. 17-20. 2023. "JWST时代的星际富勒烯化学"。第 18 届全国化学动力学会议,大连化学物理研究所,大连,辽宁。
Jul. 18, 2023. "Cosmic Fullerene-metal Complexes: True or Not?" University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
Jun. 21, 2023. "富勒烯基团簇光谱的精密测量与仪器研发" (邀请报告)。山东大学化学与化工学院,济南,山东。
Jun. 17-20, 2023. “富勒烯-金属复合物的高分辨光谱及其与天文观测谱的关联” (邀请报告)。中国化学会第33届学术年会,中国化学会,青岛,山东。
Jun. 17, 2023. "金属原子簇催化制氢机制" (邀请报告)。山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院,青岛,山东。
Jun. 09-11, 2023. "富勒烯基分子的高分辨光谱:从红外到紫外-可见” (邀请报告)。高分辨分子光谱研讨会,中国科学技术大学,合肥,安徽。
May 29, 2023. "富勒烯—来自宇宙的馈赠" (邀请报告)。重庆大学化学化工学院,重庆。
May 28, 2023. "富勒烯奇异几何-电子效应助力金属催化” (邀请报告)。西南大学物理科学与技术学院,重庆。
May 05, 2023. "团簇谱学精密测量与结构调控" (邀请报告)。安徽大学化学化工学院,合肥,安徽。
Apr. 26, 2023. "富勒烯—宇宙对人类的馈赠" (讲座报告)。励学兰台-物理大讲堂,西安交通大学物理学院-励志书院,西安,陕西。
Apr. 21-23, 2023. "多面神富勒烯-金属团簇:从基础到应用" (邀请报告)。第四届团簇科学与原子制造学术研讨会,西安交通大学,西安,陕西。
Apr. 14-17, 2023. "星际富勒烯-金属复合物的光谱精密测量" (口头报告)。2023年度实验室原子分子天体物理研讨会,复旦大学,上海。
Apr. 14, 2023. "团簇谱学精密测量与结构调控“ (邀请报告)。青年创新促进会学术沙龙(八十六),中国科学院上海应用物理研究所,上海。
Apri. 07, 2023. "碳基团簇精密光谱测量技术和仪器的研发与应用” (邀请报告)。湖南大学,长沙,湖南。
Apri. 06, 2023. "多面神富勒烯-金属团簇:从金属催化到星际物理" (邀请报告)。材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室“杰出学者”讲坛(第458期),华中科技大学,武汉,湖北。
Mar. 31, 2023. "富勒烯-金属团簇的光谱精密测量及其应用” (邀请报告)。中国科学院福建物质结构研究所,福州,福建。
Mar. 29, 2023. "团簇谱学精密测量与结构调控“ (邀请报告)。系统与物理生物学研究所-系列学术讲座,深圳湾实验室,深圳,广东。
Mar. 04, 2023. "富勒烯奇异几何-电子效应助力金属催化” (邀请报告)。“格物致理”系列学术讲座(202305),郑州大学物理学院,郑州,河南。
Feb. 17-19, 2023. "富勒烯奇异几何-电子效应助力金属催化” (口头报告)。国家自然科学基金委员会“团簇构造、功能及多级演化”重大研究计划2022-2023年度学术交流会, 哈尔滨,黑龙江。
Feb. 06, 2023. "富勒烯奇异几何-电子效应助力金属催化” (邀请报告)。催化理论与机制研讨会,南方科技大学化学系,深圳,广东。
Nov. 17-18, 2022. "多面神富勒烯-金属团簇:从结构到应用"(邀请报告)。2022中国原子制造高峰论坛,深圳市科学技术协会&南京大学&深业集团,深圳,广东。
Nov. 17-18, 2022. "Metallic buckyballs as promising carriers of mysterious unidentified infrared emission bands" (contributed talk). DIG (Dust, Ice and Gas) Astrochemistry (Virtual). Niigata University, India.
Sep. 30, 2022. "Multifacets of fullerene-metal complexes: from fundamental to application" (邀请报告)。 青年创新促进会“青年论坛”,中国科学院近代物理研究所,兰州,甘肃。
Aug. 23-27, 2022. "Hydrogen generation catalyzed by isolated and supported metal clusters" (口头报告)。第十七届全国化学动力学会议,中国化学会&中国科学技术大学,黄山,安徽。
Aug. 13-16, 2022. “瞬态分子自由基的电子结构与动力学” (邀请报告)。第十一届成像技术及其在原子分子物理中的应用学术研讨会,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院,恩施,湖北。
Aug. 06-08, 2022. "硼烷多电荷阴离子的设计与应用” (邀请报告)。第三届团簇科学与原子制造学术研讨会,山西大学&南京大学&大连理工大学,太原,山西。
Aug. 01-03, 2022. "基于自由电子激光器的红外多光子解离光谱技术与应用” (邀请报告)。合肥光源2022年用户学术年会暨先进光源国际研讨会,中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,金华,浙江。
Jul. 21, 2022. “星际碳化学:结构、谱学及其演化” (邀请报告)。星际化学研讨会,中国科学院紫金山天文台,南京,江苏。
Jul. 13, 2022. "团簇基器件与原子制造" (邀请报告)。低维物理学术研讨会,西安交通大学物理学院,西安,陕西。
Jun. 29, 2022. "Multifacets of fullerene-metal complexes: from fundamental to application" (邀请报告)。 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,西安,陕西。
May 16, 2022. “星际富勒烯碳质物质―未证认红外发射谱带的潜在载体” (邀请报告)。吉大物理70年系列学术活动,原子与分子物理研究所,吉林大学,长春,吉林 。
Apr. 20-22, 2022. Spectroscopy & Dynamics Group Meeting 2022 (Online), UK.
Feb. 07-10, 2022. “Multifacets of fullerene-metal complexes: from production to catalysis to astrophysics” (邀请报告)。原子制造项目2022年度研讨会--团簇设备技术研讨会,南京大学,文昌,海南。
Dec. 09, 2021. "Vanadium single atom catalysis" (邀请报告)。FELIX user meeting 2021, HFML-FELIX Laboratory, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (线上).
Nov. 22-Dec. 03, 2021. “大气新粒子生成中的分子特定效应和质子转移机制” (邀请报告)。第27届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会--大气环境分会2021年学术年会,中国环境科学研究院&中国环境科学学会大气环境分会,北京(线上).
Oct. 15, 2021. “Metal nanoclusters - particles down to the size of countable atoms” (邀请报告)。西北大学创新论坛暨校庆119周年学术讲座,Northwest University, Xi’an, China.
Sep. 15, 2021. “Hydrogen Generation From Methanol Catalyzed by Metal Clusters” (邀请报告)。Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Jul. 19, 2021. “大气新粒子生成初期团簇中的分子特定效应和质子转移规则” (邀请报告)。21世纪学科前沿报告,Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China.
Jan. 18-21, 2021. “New class of carbonaceous species as promising carriers of unidentified infrared emission bands” (邀请报告)。PATAS 2021: Processes in ATmospheric and AStrochemical environments (MD-GAS European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action).
Oct. 22, 2019. “Vapor Phase Nucleation and Cluster Growth: A Molecular-level Understanding.” Department of Physics, Tianjin University, China.
Oct. 18, 2019. “Experimental Investigation of Classical (Gas-Phase) Nucleation Theory.” Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.
Oct. 17, 2019. “Vapor Phase Nucleation and Growth.” School of Physics, Nanjin University, Nanjing, China.
Oct. 15, 2019. “Gas Phase Cluster Approach to Study Solutions.” Hangzhou Institute of Advanced Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou, China.
Oct. 11-14, 2019. “Far- to Mid- Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy (IRMPD) of Cationic Gold and Fullerene-Vanadium Clusters [基于远/中红外多光子解离红外光谱的金团簇和富勒烯-钒团簇阳离子的结构与性质研究].” The 16th National Conference on Chemical Dynamics, Suzhou, China.
Oct. 11, 2019. “Metal Nanoclusters – Particles Down to the Size of Countable Atoms.” Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China.
May 22, 2019. “Cluster Science and Spectroscopy.” Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, SiChuan University, Chengdu, China.
May 17-20, 2019. “Nucleation and Growth of CO2 Clusters under Cold Conditions.” The International Workshop on Astrochemistry (2019), Xi’an, China.
Apr. 20, 2019. “Cluster Model Study of the Nucleation Mechanisms of Aerosol Particles.” National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, USTC, Hefei, China.
Oct. 10, 2018. “Nanometer Sized Cluster Chemistry and Spectroscopy.” Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Laboratory, Henan University, Kaifeng, China.
Jun. 26, 2018. “Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study of Ions, Molecules, and Their Cluster Aggregates.” Laboratory of Solid Physics and Magnetism, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Apr. 13, 2018. “Molecular Properties and Formation Mechanisms of Sub-nanometer to Nanometer Size Aerosol Particles.” School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, China.
Apr. 10, 2018. “Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study of Ions, Molecules, and Their Cluster Aggregates.” College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
Feb. 24-25, 2018. Discussion Leader. Gordon Research Seminar: Molecular and Ionic Clusters. Renaissance Tuscany II Ciocco in Lucca (Barga), Italy.
Nov. 27, 2017. “Cluster Model Study of the Early Stages of Haze/Aerosol Formation.” College of Chemistry & Materials Science, Northwest University, Xi’an, China.
Nov. 24, 2017. “Spectroscopic and Theoretical Evidence of the Proton Location in Anionic Acid-Base Pairs.” Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
Nov. 21, 2017. “Molecular Origin of Haze/Aerosol Formation: A Cluster Approach.” School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
Feb. 12-13, 2017. “Molecular Specific Effects in Critical Atmospheric Pre-nucleation Clusters.” Gordon Research Seminar: Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions. Ventura, CA, USA.
Feb. 01, 2017. “Molecular Specific Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds in Forming Critical Atmospheric Pre-nucleation Clusters.” Physical Sciences Division, PNNL, USA.
Feb. 03, 2016. “Atmospheric Aerosol Nucleation Embryos: Cluster Model Study of the Structures and Interactions.” Physical Sciences Division, PNNL, USA.
Sep. 30-Oct. 02, 2015. “Atmospheric Aerosol Nucleation Embryos: Structures and Their Formation Driving Forces.” 2015 Symposium of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the AVS: Advancing the Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing. The Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood, Oregon, USA.
Aug. 04-07, 2014. “Solvation of NaCl in Water: Structures, Energetics, and CIP to SSIP Transitions.” 29th Chinese Chemical Society Congress. Beijing, China.
Jul. 02, 2014. “From Gas-Phase to Condense-Phase Chemistry: Cluster Model Study.” Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, ShangHai, China.
May. 26, 2014. “From Gas-Phase to Condense-Phase Chemistry: Cluster Model Study.” Institute of Molecular Science, Shanxi University, TaiYuan, China.
Jun. 27-29, 2007. “The Research Progress of Porous Polymer Films.” 2007 Annual Meeting of Sichuan Institute of Electronics (SIE), Mianyang, China.
Selected Posters/Attendance
Aug. 26-29, 2020. The Quantum Crystallography Online Meeting 2020 (QCrOM2020; chaired by Jean-Michel Gillet).
Jun. 29-Jul. 03, 2020. European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2020). “The molecular journey from stars to disks”. Online meeting (Leiden, The Netherlands).
Feb. 18-21, 2020. MD-GAS: 1st Annual Meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action. Caen, France.
Oct. 11-14, 2019. “Probing the Molecular and Ionic Species using the Cryogenic (Photodetachment) Photoelectron Spectroscopy.” The 16th National Conference on Chemical Dynamics, SuZhou, China.
Jul. 08-10, 2019. “Structures of Vanadium Clusters Supported by C60 and Their Reactivity Towards Methanol.” HFML- FELIX User Meeting 2019. Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Jun. 15-21, 2019. “Structures of Vanadium Clusters Supported by C60 and Their Reactivity Towards Methanol.” Gordon Research Seminar/Conference: Clusters and Nanostructures. Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
Feb. 24-Mar. 02, 2018. “Size-resolved Cluster Growth in Uniform Laval Nozzle Expansions.” Gordon Research Seminar/Conference: Molecular and Ionic Clusters. Renaissance Tuscany II Ciocco in Lucca (Barga), Italy.
Feb. 12-17, 2017. “Molecular Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol Pre-nucleation Clusters and Reactive Intermediates.” Gordon Research Seminar/Conference: Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions. Ventura, CA, USA.
Feb. 12-17, 2017. “Probing Electronic Structures and Energetics of Elusive Radicals and Metal Complexes via Low Temperature Negative Ion Photoelectron Spectroscopy.” Gordon Research Seminar/Conference: Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions. Ventura, CA, USA.
Aug. 23-26, 2015. “The Microsolvation Mechanism of MgCl2 in Water.” 14th National Chemical Dynamics Symposium, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
Mar. 13-17, 2015. “Cluster Model Study of the Structures and Interactions in the Formation of Atmospheric Aerosol Nucleation Embryos.” 251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA.
Feb. 24-26, 2014. “Solvation of NaCl in Water: Structures, Energetics, and CIP to SSIP Transitions.” 2014 Asian CORE Winter School on Frontiers of Molecular, Photo-, and Material Sciences. Taipei, Taiwan.
Aug. 23-26, 2013. “Hydrated Sodium Chloride Clusters: Implications for NaCl Solvation in Water.” 13th National Chemical Dynamics Symposium, Wuhu, Anhui, China.
Jul. 18-23, 2013. “Hydrated Sodium Chloride Clusters: Implications for NaCl Solvation in Water.” The Sixth International Symposium "Atomic Cluster Collisions" (ISACC 2013). Yichang-Chongqing, China.
Jul. 18-23, 2013. “Microsolvation of Sodium Acetate in Water: Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Density Functional Calculations.” The Sixth International Symposium “Atomic Cluster Collisions” (ISACC 2013). Yichang-Chongqing, China.
Jan. 29-Feb. 03, 2012. “Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Several Atmospherically Relevant Anionic Species in the Gas Phase.” Gordon Research Conference: Molecular & Ionic Clusters. Ventura, CA, USA.
Aug. 13-17, 2009. “Photodissociation and DFT Investigation of V+(C2H4)n (n = 1-3) Complexes.” 11th National Chemical Dynamics Symposium, Yichang-Chongqing, China.