联系方式 - 李 群
[1] 古斌,郭宇立,李群,基于构型力断裂准则的裂纹与夹杂干涉问题研究,力学学报,2017,
[2] 余力,吕俊男,杜伟,李群,金属材料三维断裂韧度厚度效应的有限元模拟,固体力学学报,2017
[3] 李群, 欧卓成, 陈宜亨.《高等断裂力学》, 科学出版社, 2016
[4] Qun Li, JunNan Lv, Yuli Guo, XinPeng Tian. A consistent framework of material configurational mechanics in piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanical, DOI: 10.1007/s00707-017-1966-5
[5] Q. Li*, Y.L. Guo, J.L. Hou, W.J. Zhu, The M-Integral based failure description on elasto-plastic materials with defects under biaxial loading, Mechanics of Materials 112 (2017) 163-171. IF=2.651
[6] YuLi Guo, Qun Li*, Material configurational forces applied to mixed mode crack propagation, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 89::147-157 IF=2.025
[7] Qun Li*, Junnan Lv, Invariant integrals of crack interaction with an inhomogeneity, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 171 (2017) 76-84 IF=2.195
[8] Rong Wang, Hong Zuo, Yi-Min Yang, Bo Yang, Qun Li*. Finite element simulation and optimization of radial resistive force for shape memory alloy vertebral body stent, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X16685442, IF=2.255
[9] Junnan Lv, XueLing Fan, Qun Li*, The impact of the growth of thermally grown oxide layer on the propagation of surface cracks within thermal barrier coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 309 (2017) 1033-1044 IF:2.139 IDS 号: EN7LN
[10] Suxin Pan, Qida Liu, Qun Li*, Ferroelectric creep associated with domain switching emission in the cracked ferroelectrics, Computational Materials Science, DOI information: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.08.048
[11] JunNanLv, Qun Li*, Equivalent configurational stress to predict material yielding and crack propagation, 2016, Acta Mechanica, 227 (10): 3055-3065 IDS 号: DY5JV IF=1.694
[12]Qun Li, Linyun Liang, Kirk Gerdes and Long-Qing Chen, Phase-field modeling of three-phase electrode microstructures in solid oxide fuel cells, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 033909, 2012.
[13]Yifeng Hu, Qun Li Junping Shi, and Yiheng Chen, Surface/interface effect and size/configuration dependence on the energy release in nanoporous membrane, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 034302, 2012
[14]Qun Li, Yi-Feng Hu and Yi-Heng Chen, On the Physical Interpretation of the M-integral in Nonlinear Elastic Defect Mechanics, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, DOI: 10.1177/1056789512456860,2012
[15]Ning-Yu Yu. Qun Li and Yi-Heng Chen, Experimental evaluation of the M-integral in an elastic-plastic material containing multiple defects, J. Appl. Mech. 80, 011021 (2013)
[16]JianJun Wang, Saswata Bhattacharyya, Qun Li, Tae Wook Heo, XingQiao. Ma and Long-Qing Chen, Elastic solutions with arbitrary elastic inhomogeneity and anisotropy, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2012, 1–9, iFirst
[17] Qun Li and Meinhard Kuna, Evaluation of electromechanical fracture behavior by configurational forces in cracked ferroelectric polycrystals, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 57, 94–101.
[18] Ningyu Yu and Qun Li, Yiheng Chen, Measurement of the M-integral for a Hole in an Aluminum Plate or Strip, Experimental Mechanics,52(7),855-863, 2012.
[19] Qun Li Meinhard Kuna, Inhomogeneity and material configurational forces in three dimensional ferroelectric polycrystals, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 2012, 31: 77-89.
[20] Qun Li, Andreas Ricoeur and Meinhard Kuna, Coulomb traction on a penny-shaped crack in a three dimensional piezoelectric body, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 81: 685–700
[21]Qun Li, Andreas Ricoeur, Marco Enderlein and Meinhard Kuna: Evaluation of electromechanical coupling effect by microstructural modeling of domain switching in ferroelectrics. Mechanics Research Communications, 2010, 37: 332–336
[22] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Inherent relations between the Bueckner integral and the Jk-integral or the M-integral in multi-defects damaged piezoelectric materials. Acta Mech, 2009, 204:125-136
[23] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: The Coulombic traction on the surfaces of an interface crack in dielectric /piezoelectric or metal/piezoelectric bimaterials. Acta Mechanica, 2009, 202:111–126
[24] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Investigation of the crack problem in non-local piezoelectric materials under combined electromechanical loadings. Acta Mech Sin., 2009, 25:219–225
[25] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Surface effect and size dependence on the energy release due to a nanosized hole expansion in plane elastic materials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, NOVEMBER 2008, 75: 061008-1(5pp)
[26] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Why traction-free? Piezoelectric crack and Coulombic traction. Arch Appl Mech, 2008, 78: 559–573.
[27] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: The role played by the Coulombic traction for an interface crack in dissimilar piezoelectric materials. Smart Materials and Structures, 2008, 17:017001(7pp).
[28] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Solution for a semi-permeable interface crack in elastic dielectric /piezoelectric bimaterials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, January 2008, 75(1): 011010
[29] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen, Hui Tong: Analysis of the invariant integrals in plane elasticity containing a nanosized hole. Acta Mech 2008, 199:143–150
[30] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Solution for a semi-permeable interface crack between two dissimilar piezoelectric materials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2007, 74: 833-844.
[31] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Analysis of Crack-tip singularities for an interfacial permeable crack in metal/piezoelectric bimaterials. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 20(3): 247-257.
[32] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: Analysis of a permeable interface crack in elastic dielectric/piezoelectric bimaterials. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2007, 23:681-687.
[33] Qun Li and YiHeng Chen: The Bueckner work conjugate integral for a permeable crack in piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanica, 2007, 190: 237-243
[34] Qun Li, Suxin Pan, Qida Liu and Jie Wang, Domain switching emission from the mixed mode crack in ferroelectrics by birefringence measurement and phase field modeling, Smart Mater. Struct. 25 (2016) 07LT01 (7pp)
[35] Qun Li*, Junnan Lv, Invariant integrals of crack interaction with an inhomogeneity, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.12.013.
[36] Qun Li, Junnan Lv, JunLing Hou, Hong Zuo, Crack-tip shielding by the dilatant transformation of particles/fibers embedded in composite materials, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 80: 242–252 (2015)
[37] Qun Li* Andreas Ricoeur, Meinhard Kuna. Coulomb traction on a penny-shaped
[38] 李 群,张 阳,雷永信,周思渊.无伞双翼末敏弹翼片安装角对其稳态扫描作战指标的影响.弹道学报(03):1-7 (2016)
[39] 李群*,材料构型力学及其在复杂缺陷系统中的应用,力学学报,47 (2): 197-214 (2015)。
[40] Junnan Lv, XueLing Fan, Qun Li*, The impact of the growth of thermally grown oxide layer on the propagation of surface cracks within thermal barrier coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2016, DOI information: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.10.039 IF:2.139
[41] JunNanLv, Qun Li*, Equivalent configurational stress to predict material yielding and crack propagation, Acta Mechanica, 227 (10): 3055-3065(2016)
[42] NingYu Yu, Qun Li*. Failure theory via the concept of material configurational forces associated with the M-integral. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 50: 4320-32(2013).
[43] NingYu Yu. Qun Li*, YiHeng Chen. Experimental evaluation of the M-integral in an elastic-plastic material containing multiple defects. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 80: 011021 (2013).
[44] SuXin Pan, YiFeng Hu, Qun Li*. Numerical simulation of mechanical properties in nanoporous membrane. Computational Materials Science. 79:611-618 (2013).
[45] Junling Hou, Qun Li*, Junnan Lv, Hong Zuo, Crack deflection by the transformable particles dispersed in composites, Acta Mechanica, 227(3):743-756, (2016)
[46] Junling Hou, Qun Li*, Guangyan Liu, Hong Zuo, Fundamental solutions of a crack impinging upon an interface slippage in laminated anisotropic bodies, (86):1-14, Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2015
[47] Yu-Li Guo, Qun Li*, On some fundamental properties of the L-integral in plane elasticity, Acta Mechanica, 226(1): 137-148. (2015)
[48] Rong Wang, Hong Zuo, Yi-Min Yang, Bo Yang, Qun Li*. Finite element simulation and optimization of radial resistive force for shape memory alloy vertebral body stent, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2016
[49] 于宁宇, 李群*, M 积分与夹杂/缺陷弹性模量的显式关系,力学学报,46(1):87-93(2014)
[50] 于宁宇,李群*,基于数字散斑相关实验测量的材料构型力的计算方法,实验力学,29(5):579-588 (2014)
[51] Qun Li, Numerical simulation of domain switching in multilayer ferroelectric actuators, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 6:268-273 (2016)
[52] Guozhen Liu, Qingyu Lei, Matthäus A. Wolak, Qun Li, Long-Qing Chen, Christopher Winkler, Jennifer Sloppy, Mitra L. Taheri and Xiaoxing Xi, Epitaxial strain and its relaxation at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 085302 (2016)。
[53] Linyun Liang; Qun Li; Jiamian Hu; Shiwoo Lee; Gerdes, K.; Long-Qing Chen,Phase field modeling of microstructure evolution of electrocatalyst/infiltrated solid oxide fuel cellcathodes, Journal of Applied Physics 117( 6): 065105(2015)
[54] JianJun Wang, XingQiao Ma, Qun Li, Jason Britson, Long-Qing Chen. Phase Transitions and Domain Structures of Ferroelectric Nanoparticles:Phase-field Model Incorporating Strong Elastic and Dielectric Inhomogeneity. Acta Materialia, 61(20): 7591-7603 (2013).
• 于宁宇,李群,陈宜亨,专利申请号:CN201110401438.7,弹性缺陷材料M积分的无损测量方法。
• 于宁宇,李群,陈宜亨,专利申请号:CN201210004080.9,基于数字图像相关的塑性多缺陷材料M积分测量方法。
基于材料构型力学描述多缺陷损伤的新体系及其应用 陕西省科学技术奖(自然科学), 一等奖, 2015年,(第二完成人)
Patent Name | Application Number | xjtu.gr.patent.type | Application Date |
弹性缺陷材料M积分的无损测量方法 | CN201110401438.7 | Invention | 2020.01.01 |
弹性缺陷材料M积分的无损测量方法 | CN201110401438.7 | Invention | 2020.01.01 |
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