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Illumination, Color and Imaging : Evaluation and Optimization of Visual Displays
发布日期:2015-11-26  浏览

Illumination, Color and Imaging : Evaluation and Optimization of Visual Displays


 This much needed, comprehensive and modern reference on display technology, illumination sources and color imaging focuses on visual effects and how reproduced images are best matched to human visual features. As such, it teaches readers how to exploit the knowledge of human color information processing to design usable, ergonomic, and pleasing displays or visual environments. The contents describe design principles and methods to optimize self-luminous visual technologies for the human user, including modern still and motion image displays, and indoor light sources. Design principles and methods are derived from the knowledge of the human visual system, with a special emphasis on color vision, color cognition, color harmony, color preference and visually evoked emotions. The expert authors include the most important and latest applications of the design principles and methods, forming a comprehensive view of human color information processing from the receptors through the retina via high-level visual perception right up to the level of cognition, preference, harmony, as well as visually evoked emotions. This book is included in the Wiley SID Series.


Series Editor's Foreword                           xiii
Preface                                            xv
About the Authors                                  xxi
    1 Color Vision and Self-Luminous Visual        1   (24)
      1.1 Color Vision Features and the            2   (16)
      Optimization of Modern Self-Luminous
      Visual Technologies
        1.1.1 From Photoreceptor Structure to      2   (4)
        1.1.2 Spatial and Temporal Contrast        6   (6)
        1.1.3 Color Appearance Perception          12  (3)
        1.1.4 Color Difference Perception          15  (2)
        1.1.5 Cognitive, Preferred, Harmonic,      17  (1)
        and Emotional Color
        1.1.6 Interindividual Variability of       18  (1)
        Color Vision
      1.2 Color Vision-Related Technological       18  (2)
      Features of Modern Self-Luminous
      (Nonprinting) Visual Technologies
      1.3 Perceptual, Cognitive, and Emotional     20  (5)
      Features of the Visual System and the
      Corresponding Technological Challenge
        References                                 23  (2)
    2 Colorimetric and Color Appearance-Based      25  (72)
    Characterization of Displays
      2.1 Characterization Models and Visual       25  (26)
      Artifacts in General
        2.1.1 Tone Curve Models and Phosphor       26  (1)
        2.1.2 Measured Color Characteristics,      27  (8)
        sRGB, and Other Characterization Models
        2.1.3 Additivity and Independence of       35  (1)
        the Color Channels
        2.1.4 Multidimensional Phosphor            35  (4)
        Matrices and Other Methods
        2.1.5 Spatial Uniformity and Spatial       39  (6)
        2.1.6 Viewing Direction Uniformity         45  (1)
        2.1.7 Other Visual Artifacts               46  (2)
        2.1.8 The Viewing Environment: Viewing     48  (1)
        Conditions and Modes
        2.1.9 Application of CIELAB, CIELUV,       49  (2)
        and CIECAM02 to Self-Luminous Displays
      2.2 Characterization Models and Visual       51  (21)
      Artifacts of the Different Display
        2.2.1 Modern Applications of the           52  (1)
        Different Display Technologies
        2.2.2 Special Characterization Models      53  (1)
        of the Different Displays CRT                                53  (2)
        22.2.2 PDP                                 55  (5) Various LCD Technologies and       60  (7)
        Their Viewing Direction Uniformity Head-Mounted Displays and          67  (1)
        Head-Up Displays Projectors Including DMD and LCD   68  (3) OLEDs                              71  (1)
      2.3 Display Light Source Technologies        72  (9)
        2.3.1 Projector Light Sources              73  (2)
        2.3.2 Backlight Sources                    75  (4)
        2.3.3 Color Filters, Local Dimming, and    79  (2)
        High Dynamic Range Imaging
      2.4 Color Appearance of Large Viewing        81  (16)
      Angle Displays
        2.4.1 Color Appearance Differences         81  (1)
        between Small and Large Color Stimuli Color Appearance of an             82  (5)
        Immersive Color Stimulus on a PDP Xiao et al.'s Experiment on the    87  (1)
        Appearance of a Self-Luminous 50 Color
        Stimulus on an LCD
        2.4.2 Mathematical Modeling of the         87  (4)
        Color Size Effect
        References                                 91  (6)
    3 Ergonomic, Memory-Based, and                 97  (64)
    Preference-Based Enhancement of Color
      3.1 Ergonomic Guidelines for Displays        97  (8)
      3.2 Objectives of Color Image Reproduction   105 (2)
      3.3 Ergonomic Design of Color Displays:      107 (27)
      Optimal Use of Chromaticity Contrast
        3.3.1 Principles of Ergonomic Color        107 (1)
        3.3.2 Legibility, Conspicuity, and         108 (3)
        Visual Search
        3.3.3 Chromaticity Contrast for Optimal    111 (12)
        Search Performance
        3.3.4 Chromaticity and Luminance           123 (11)
        Contrast Preference
      3.4 Long-Term Memory Colors,                 134 (8)
      Intercultural Differences, and Their Use
      to Evaluate and Improve Color Image
        3.4.1 Long-Term Memory Colors for          135 (4)
        Familiar Objects
        3.4.2 Intercultural Differences of         139 (2)
        Long-Term Memory Colors
        3.4.3 Increasing Color Quality by          141 (1)
        Memory Colors
      3.5 Color Image Preference for White         142 (9)
      Point, Local Contrast, Global Contrast,
      Hue, and Chroma
        3.5.1 Apparatus and Method to Obtain a     143 (1)
        Color Image Preference Data Set
        3.5.2 Image Transforms of Color Image      144 (1)
        3.5.3 Preferred White Point                144 (3)
        3.5.4 Preferred Local Contrast             147 (1)
        3.5.5 Preferred Global Contrast            147 (3)
        3.5.6 Preferred Hue and Chroma             150 (1)
      3.6 Age-Dependent Method for                 151 (10)
      Preference-Based Color Image Enhancement
      with Color Image Descriptors
        References                                 156 (5)
    4 Color Management and Image Quality           161 (76)
    Improvement for Cinema Film and TV
      4.1 Workflow in Cinema Film and TV           161 (5)
      Production Today - Components and Systems
        4.1.1 Workflow                             161 (3)
        4.1.2 Structure of Color Management in     164 (1)
        Today's Cinema and TV Technology
        4.1.3 Color Management Solutions           165 (1)
      4.2 Components of the Cinema Production      166 (25)
        4.2.1 Camera Technology in Overview        166 (8)
        4.2.2 Postproduction Systems               174 (2)
        4.2.3 CIELAB and CIEDE 2000 Color          176 (2)
        Difference Formulas Under the Viewing
        Conditions of TV and Cinema Production Procedure of the Visual            178 (3)
        Experiment Experimental Results               181 (3)
        4.2.4 Applications of the CIECAM02         184 (7)
        Color Appearance Model in the Digital
        Image Processing System for Motion
        Picture Films
      4.3 Color Gamut Differences                  191 (4)
      4.4 Exploiting the Spatial-Temporal          195 (28)
      Characteristics of Color Vision for
      Digital TV, Cinema, and Camera Development
        4.4.1 Spatial and Temporal                 195 (4)
        Characteristics in TV and Cinema
        4.4.2 Optimization of the Resolution of    199 (6)
        Digital Motion Picture Cameras
        4.4.3 Perceptual and Image Quality         205 (1)
        Aspects of Compressed Motion Pictures Necessity of Motion Picture        205 (1)
        Compression Methods of Image Quality           205 (2)
        Evaluation The Image Quality Experiment       207 (7)
        4.4.4 Perception-Oriented Development      214 (1)
        of Watermarking Algorithms for the
        Protection of Digital Motion Picture
        Films Motivation and Aims of             214 (2)
        Watermarking Development Requirements for Watermarking      216 (1)
        Technology Experiment to Test Watermark       217 (6)
      4.5 Optimum Spectral Power Distributions     223 (6)
      for Cinematographic Light Sources and
      Their Color Rendering Properties
      4.6 Visually Evoked Emotions in Color        229 (8)
      Motion Pictures
        4.6.1 Technical Parameters,                229 (2)
        Psychological Factors, and Visually
        Evoked Emotions
        4.6.2 Emotional Clusters: Modeling         231 (2)
        Emotional Strength
        References                                 233 (4)
    5 Pixel Architectures for Displays of          237 (36)
    Three- and Multi-Color Primaries
      5.1 Optimization Principles for Three-       238 (12)
      and Multi-Primary Color Displays to
      Obtain a Large Color Gamut
        5.1.1 Target Color Sets                    240 (4)
        5.1.2 Factors of Optimization              244 (1) Color Gamut Volume                 244 (1) Quantization Efficiency            244 (1) Number of Color Primaries          245 (1) White Point                        245 (1) Technological Constraints          246 (1) P/W Ratio                          247 (2) Roundness                          249 (1) RGB Tone Scales and Display        250 (1)
        Black Point
      5.2 Large-Gamut Primary Colors and Their     250 (7)
      Gamut in Color Appearance Space
        5.2.1 Optimum Color Primaries              251 (1)
        5.2.2 Optimum Color Gamuts in Color        252 (5)
        Appearance Space
      5.3 Optimization Principles of Subpixel      257 (5)
      Architectures for Multi-Primary Color
        5.3.1 The Color Fringe Artifact            258 (1)
        5.3.2 Optimization Principles              259 (1) Minimum Color Fringe Artifact      259 (1) Modulation Transfer Function       260 (1) Isotropy                           260 (1) Luminance Resolution               261 (1) High Aperture Ratio                261 (1)
      5.4 Three- and Multi-Primary Subpixel        262 (11)
      Architectures and Color Image Rendering
        5.4.1 Three-Primary Architectures          262 (2)
        5.4.2 Multi-Primary Architectures          264 (4)
        5.4.3 Color Image Rendering Methods        268 (2)
        Acknowledgment                             270 (1)
        References                                 271 (2)
    6 Improving the Color Quality of Indoor        273 (56)
    Light Sources
      6.1 Introduction to Color Rendering and      273 (3)
      Color Quality
      6.2 Optimization for Indoor Light Sources    276 (10)
      to Provide a Visual Environment of High
      Color Rendering
        6.2.1 Visual Color Fidelity Experiments    276 (6)
        6.2.2 Color Rendering Prediction Methods   282 (1) Deficits of the Current Color      282 (3)
        Rendering Index Proposals to Redefine the Color    285 (1)
        Rendering Index
      6.3 Optimization of Indoor Light Sources     286 (7)
      to Provide Color Harmony in the Visual
        6.3.1 Visual Color Harmony Experiments     287 (1)
        6.3.2 Szab el al.'s Mathematical Model     287 (2)
        to Predict Color Harmony
        6.3.3 A Computational Method to Predict    289 (4)
        Color Harmony Rendering
      6.4 Principal Components of Light Source     293 (11)
      Color Quality
        6.4.1 Factors Influencing Color Quality    293 (3)
        6.4.2 Experimental Method to Assess the    296 (6)
        Properties of Color Quality
        6.4.3 Modeling Color Quality;              302 (1)
        Four-Factor Model
        6.4.4 Principal Components of Color        303 (1)
        Quality for Three Indoor Light Sources
      6.5 Assessment of Complex Indoor Scenes      304 (14)
      Under Different Light Sources
        6.5.1 Psychological Relationship           305 (6)
        between Color Difference Scales and
        Color Rendering Scales
        6.5.2 Brightness in Complex Indoor         311 (5)
        Scenes in Association with Color Gamut,
        Rendering, and Harmony: A Computational
        6.5.3 Whiteness Perception and Light       316 (2)
        Source Chromaticity
      6.6 Effect of Interobserver Variability      318 (11)
      of Color Vision on the Color Quality of
      Light Sources
        6.6.1 Variations of Color Vision           319 (1)
        6.6.2 Effect of Variability on Color       320 (1)
        Quality Variability of the Visual          321 (1)
        Ratings of Color Quality Variability of Perceived Color     321 (1)
        Differences and the Color Rendering
        Index Variability of Similarity          322 (2)
        6.6.3 Relevance of Variability for         324 (1)
        Light Source Design
        Acknowledgments                            324 (1)
        References                                 324 (5)
    7 Emerging Visual Technologies                 329 (34)
      7.1 Emerging Display Technologies            329 (10)
        7.1.1 Flexible Displays                    329 (1)
        7.1.2 Laser and LED Displays               330 (4)
        7.1.3 Color Gamut Extension for            334 (5)
        Multi-Primary Displays
      7.2 Emerging Technologies for Indoor         339 (18)
      Light Sources
        7.2.1 Tunable LED Lamps for Accent         339 (2)
        7.2.2 Optimization for Brightness and      341 (6)
        Circadian Rhythm
        7.2.3 Accentuation of Different Aspects    347 (1)
        of Color Quality
        7.2.4 Using New Phosphor Blends            348 (6)
        7.2.5 Implications of Color Constancy      354 (3)
        for Light Source Design
      7.3 Summary and Outlook                      357 (6)
        Acknowledgments                            360 (1)
        References                                 360 (3)
Index                                              363


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