Corpus Linguistics Research Group

Corpus Linguistics Research Group

The Corpus Linguistics Research Group brings together scholars interested in the computer-aided analysis of large digital collections of text (corpora) across multiple disciplines and areas of study, such as language learning and teaching, discourse analysis, translation, natural language processing and literature.


Our first Symposium on Corpus Linguistics was hosted on 26 April 2024.


Previous seminars and workshops we have organised include:

Speaker Title
Professor Elena Semino (Lancaster University) Applying Corpus Linguistics to health(care) communication
Dr Dimitris Kitis (XJTLU) What does ‘gentrification’ mean? Collocates, metonymies and metaphors of a class-war discourse in English
Professor Jonathan Culpeper
(Lancaster University)
Linguistic impoliteness: A brief survey
Dr Meilin Chen
(Hong Kong Baptist University)
Teaching students to write academically through the use of discipline-specific materials: The use of a learner corpus in academic writing courses
Professor Christopher Hart
(Lancaster University)
Multimodal discourses of Immigration: Language, Image, Gesture


For more information about our Corpus Linguistic research group, please contact the group leader, Dr Tanjun Liu (