There are 36 sports associations at XJTLU. The Physical Education Centre at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University supports the development of student sports clubs, which are extra-curricular and none-competitive.
Through monthly club counselling sessions, the PEC supports clubs leaders with funding applications, club development issues and activity coordination.
The centre encourages interest-driven development of sports clubs and supports students in the self-governance of these clubs, while at the same time providing a support system so that students are able to adequately access available resources.
XJTLU teams
At present, there are currently XJTLU university teams representing nine sports, which are golf team, archery team, men’s basketball team, women’s basketball team, tennis team, Ultimate Frisbee team, badminton team, football team and table tennis team.
These teams represent the University at competitions at local, provincial and national level and the PEC supports their development. Players for these teams are chosen through selection events, often coming from the extra-curricular sports clubs, or are spotted by PEC staff during physical education activities. XJTLU teams have enjoyed success in recent years, including success for the Ultimate Frisbee team, the Archery Team and the Golf team.
Sports clubs
There are 36 sports associations at XJTLU. The Physical Education Centre at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University supports the development of student sports clubs, which are extra-curricular and none-competitive.
Through monthly club counselling sessions, the PEC supports clubs leaders with funding applications, club development issues and activity coordination.
The centre encourages interest-driven development of sports clubs and supports students in the self-governance of these clubs, while at the same time providing a support system so that students are able to adequately access available resources.
XJTLU teams
At present, there are currently XJTLU university teams representing nine sports, which are golf team, archery team, men’s basketball team, women’s basketball team, tennis team, Ultimate Frisbee team, badminton team, football team and table tennis team.
These teams represent the University at competitions at local, provincial and national level and the PEC supports their development. Players for these teams are chosen through selection events, often coming from the extra-curricular sports clubs, or are spotted by PEC staff during physical education activities. XJTLU teams have enjoyed success in recent years, including success for the Ultimate Frisbee team, the Archery Team and the Golf team.