XJTLU in the Media in July and August

08 Sep 2023

During the past two months, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Science and Technology Daily, China Youth Daily, China Scholars Abroad, Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, Jiangnan Times, Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, Suzhou Daily, and www.2500sz.com.

Researchers from XJTLU have also been included in stories and sought for comment in media outlets including Times Higher Education (THE) Campus, News Nate, PANORAMA, Blogarama, South China Morning Post, ArchDaily, The China Project, The Conversation, and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

Topics included higher education exploration, scientific achievements, expert insights, and campus life.

1.Higher Education Exploration

Science and Technology Daily
Headline: The paradox of educational change in the era of digital intelligence
Published on: 5 July 2023

Summary: On 5 July, a higher education forum themed “For the Future: Redefine Talent Cultivation in Colleges and Universities” was held in Guiyang, Guizhou province. At the forum, hundreds of attendees discussed new education in the era of digital intelligence.

Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, said that a degree is not everything. If education in the era of digital intelligence only aims to impart knowledge and earn degrees, education will gradually become less valuable, he said.

2.Scientific Achievements

Headline: XJTLU researchers overcome stem cell delivery barrier, paving the way for regenerative medicine
Published on: 6 July 2023

Summary: A recent study led by Dr Gang Ruan from XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy has introduced a new method for delivering particles into stem cells, which are notoriously difficult to penetrate. The discovery will make it easier to direct and enhance the processes involved in regenerative medicine. This paper was published in the American Chemical Society’s Nano Letters, one of the top journals in the nanotechnology field.

Dr Ruan said: “Our new method means we can deliver genetic information to the stem cells more quickly and efficiently and control the kind of cell they become.”

This news was also reported by Suzhou Daily and other outlets.

3.Expert Insights

Headline: Re-understand future-oriented and “student-centred” teaching innovation
Published in: July 2023

Summary: Dr Xiaojun Zhang, Chief Officer of Education and Executive Dean of XJTLU’s Academy of Future Education, recently published an article in China Scholars Abroad.

In his article, Dr Zhang pointed out that Sino-foreign universities, with their mission to integrate East and West and explore future education models, approach teaching issues from a multifaceted perspective. By considering the diverse viewpoints of both Eastern and Western cultures, they can address these issues dialectically. In addition, Sino-foreign universities operate under a more flexible mechanism, which is conducive to exploring truly innovative teaching concepts and practices.

Headline: As Gucci’s CEO was fired, how can Kering Group salvage half of its business
Published on: 21 July 2023

Summary: According to Kering Group’s announcement, Marco Bizzarri, who has been at the helm of Gucci since 2015, will leave the Group, and Jean-François Palus was named interim CEO.

Dr Samuel Kwok at XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou commented that Bizzarri was replaced because he failed to achieve satisfactory business performance for Gucci in the past two years.

Headline: With the worst performance in the past ten years, Kering Group acquired Valentino to save itself
Published on: 28 July 2023

Summary: Dr Kwok recently commented on Kering Group’s business performance and that of LVMH. Kering Group’s share price rose from approximately 468 euros per share to about 530 euros per share, while VMH Group’s share price surged from around 300 euros per share to approximately 830 euros per share during the same period.

4.Campus Life

Headline: Take a fresh look at XJTLU Professional Development Programme
Published on: 12 July 2023

Summary: The five-week Professional Development Programme (PDP) at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) concluded successfully, with more than 1,000 students succeeding in completing all the courses this summer.

This news was also reported by Modern Express, Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, Suzhou Daily and more.

Headline: Over 3,800 XJTLU graduates celebrate achievements and look ahead
Published on: 18 July 2023

Summary: From 17 to 21 July, XJTLU held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2023. This year, 3,677 undergraduate students were awarded degree certificates from both the University of Liverpool and XJTLU. Additionally, 169 postgraduate students received their University of Liverpool degrees recognised by China’s Ministry of Education.

This news was also reported by China Youth Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, www.2500sz.com and more.

Yangtze Evening Post
Headline: The first graduation ceremony of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), livestream attracted 700,000 viewers
Published on: 28 July 2023

Summary: On 21 July, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) witnessed the graduation of its first cohort of 230 undergraduates, who are forging diverse career pathways.

This group includes individuals who have showcased talent in worldwide robotics competitions, embarked on postgraduate studies at Harvard University, secured jobs at ByteDance, and demonstrated excellence in the realm of e-commerce.

This news was also reported by Jiangnan Times, Modern Express, chjzx.com.cm and more.

Headline: XJTLU held the third International Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Structures
Published on: 28 August 2023

Summary: XJTLU recently held the third International Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Structures.  Themed “For a Carbon-Neutral Future”, this conference aimed to exchange the latest achievements in the fields of civil engineering, urban construction and building construction in order to create a carbon-neutral environment in the future.

This news was also reported by China Youth Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express and more.

Headline: I’m learning Chinese in Suzhou! XJTLU Summer Chinese Programme successfully concluded
Published on: 28 August 2023

Summary: The Chinese Language Summer School at XJTLU gathered more than 100 students from all over the world. During the four-week programme, the students experienced the charm of the Chinese language and culture at the School of Languages.

5.XJTLU in the Multilanguage Media

Headline: Combining technological and cultural change to create a digital future for higher education
Published on: 3 July 2023

Summary: During a discussion at Times Higher Education’s 2023 Digital Universities Asia event, a panel of experts talked about the essential elements required to facilitate digital transformation.

Charlie Reis, Director of XJTLU’s Educational Development Unit said: “I think digital transformation can be broken down into stages. Digital transformation 1.0 was mostly content. The next stage, 2.0, was more interactive, while 3.0 is looking at using artificial intelligence and other generative functions. Right now, we are looking at all of these stages at the same time because staff boast differing skill levels when using digital technologies.”

Headline: 세라믹기술원, 시안 교통 리버풀대와 차세대 에너지 저장 소재 공동 연구 (Ceramic Institute of Technology and Xi’an Jiaotong-University of Liverpool joint research on next-generation energy storage materials)
Published on: 5 July 2023

Summary: On 4 July, XJTLU signed a business agreement with the Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology on joint research and mutual cooperation on next-generation energy storage materials.

This news was also reported by Financial News (Korea) and Cookie News.

Headline: Conclusa la prima edizione di Italian Design Icons Shenzhen (The first edition of Italian Design Icons Shenzhen has concluded)
Published on: 5 July 2023

Summary: Italian Design Icons (IDI) 2023, a three-day event and exhibition that highlights the excellence of Italian design, concluded on 2 July in Shenzhen, China. This year, IDI partnered with XJTLU and jointly launched the first IDI design competition.

This news was also reported by e-architect, World Architecture, MF Fashion, and The World News.

Headline: KENTECH-中 시안교통리버풀 대, 에너지 소재연구 및 인력양성 '맞손' (KENTECH, in collaboration with Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, joins hands for energy materials research and talent development)
Published on: 6 July 2023

Summary: On 6 July, XJTLU signed a business agreement with the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH) for international joint research and specialised personnel development in the field of energy materials.

This news was also reported by electimes.com, Business Korea, gwangjuin.com, news-unn, and kyosu.net.

Headline: Beyond words: Why people prefer conversations with faces over text
Published on: 9 July 2023

Summary: A study by Laila Zhong, a Year Four student at XJTLU’s Department of Media and Communication, found that using IKEA’s virtual ambassador, Imma, in advertising had a positive impact. The study revealed that virtual influencers on social media garnered more engagement, such as views, likes, comments, and shares, resulting in increased brand engagement.

Headline: When diversity becomes a problem in start-ups
Published on: 10 July 2023

Summary: Diversity in organisations is widely recognised as a positive attribute, with various benefits such as increased productivity, creativity, and access to a broader talent pool. However, a study titled “United or divided? Entrepreneurial passion and faultlines in new venture teams” explores the potential negative effects of diversity on decision-making and organisational performance in entrepreneurial settings.

The research is conducted by Professor Dora Lau from The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School, Dr Qin Su at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Dr Lingli Luo at Zhejiang University International Business School, and Professor Bart de Jong at Durham University Business School (UK).

This news was also reported by EMEA TRIBUNE and Chronicales Live.

Headline: “Kosova dhe skena globale...”, temë diskutimi të shtunën në Selanik (“Kosovo and the global scene...” discussion on Saturday in Thessaloniki)
Published on: 13 July 2023

Summary: On July 15, a round table discussion with the theme “Kosovo and the global scene: Media narratives and the perception of international relations” took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. This event was organised by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, together with other partners including XJTLU.

Headline: Call for submission: 2A Continental Architectural Awards 2023, Suzhou, China
Published on: 18 July 2023

Summary: The ninth edition of the 2A Continental Architectural Awards is seeking visionary and forward-thinking architects and designers who are at the forefront of contemporary architecture. The registration and submission deadline is 10 August, and the awards ceremony will take place at XJTLU on 24 November this year.

Headline: Can academic joint ventures between China and the West survive?
Published on: 20 July 2023

Summary: In a recent article, The Economist mentioned that Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou is the largest joint-venture university in China, attracting a student body of over 23,000. Last year, XJTLU expanded its infrastructure by launching a new campus, providing the capacity to accommodate an extra 10,000 students.

This news was also reported by Head Topics and Business Announcer.

Headline: AI is the future of the China-ASEAN tech partnership
Published on: 27 July 2023

Summary: China and countries belonging to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have embraced AI as a means of cooperation and advancement in the field. The technology has brought them closer together, with collaborative AI projects and significant contributions to its development.

Dr Hong Seng Gan from XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) comments: “AI research productivity in China has shown a steady increase since 2010, whereas other tech superpowers have been gradually slipping. This sharp contrast suggests that China is reaping the success of its aggressive spending in AI research.”

This news was also reported by CNBC News Today.

Headline: СПбГУ и Школа дизайна Сиань Цзяотун-Ливерпульского университета провели курс по UX/UI-дизайну в сфере медицины (St Petersburg University and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Design School together held a course on UX/UI design in the medical field)
Published on: 30 July 2023

Summary: St Petersburg University and XJTLU’s Design School recently collaborated to offer a mini-course on UX/UI design in the medical field.

Dr Mariia Zolotova, Assistant Professor at XJTLU and a graduate of St Petersburg University, shared that the principles and methods of UX/UI design are universal not only from the point of view of world practice, but also for industrial design in various industries.

Headline: Case spotlight: How SpaceX is taking off by combining agile development and lean production
Published in: August 2023

Summary: The Case Centre recently featured a case provided by Martin Lockstrom at XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou about Elon Musk and SpaceX. He mentioned the company’s unique corporate culture, and what sets it apart in the market.

Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Headline: Connecting with students: 3 projects that made an impact
Published on: 16 August 2023

Summary: XJTLU’s University Marketing and Communications student intern-led Indonesian brand campaign recently won bronze at the 2023 CASE Circle of Excellence awards in the marketing initiatives category.

Headline: How to encourage students to engage in the broader university offering
Published on: 18 August 2023

Summary: Dr Irina Shcheglova from XJTLU’s Academy of Future Education recently wrote an article exploring how universities can encourage greater participation in the range of activities on offer, considering the multiple benefits that students can gain by getting involved in campus life beyond the classroom.

Headline: Kampus asing merambah Indonesia: pentingnya penguatan perspektif local (Foreign campuses expanding into Indonesia: the importance of strengthening local perspectives)
Published on: 21 August 2023

Summary: A recent article published on The Conversation mentioned Professor Stuart Perrin’s paper on language policy and planning in transnational education institutions.


By Xinmin Han

Edited by Tamara Kaup

08 Sep 2023


XJTLU in the Media in June

XJTLU in the Media in June

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including China Daily, China Science Daily, people.com.cn, chinanews.com.cn, China S...

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XJTLU in the Media in May

XJTLU in the Media in May

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Guangming Daily, China Daily, Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern E...

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