Research-led, Global Outlook

Our staff regularly publish academic articles, chapters and books on topics as diverse as journalism, film, and digital media.

Learning and Teaching
Experienced and certificated staff from different countries and diverse backgrounds.
In the digital age even more than before, media and communication are central to societies, economies, and people’s lives.
Through teaching, research and public engagement, staff in the Department of Media and Communication explore many salient and pressing issues such as social media, the cultural and creative industries, journalism, film, public relations, global communication, identity and representation.
Part of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Department teaches modules of the BA, MSc and PhD programmes.
The Department strives to create an inclusive and supportive environment for students, in which they can develop into creative and responsible global citizens. Our research-led teaching makes students competitive for entry in top postgraduate programmes and the Chinese and international job markets.
The Department is quickly emerging as an international knowledge hub, recognized for leading research and innovative teaching.