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Tsinghua-UM “3+1+1” Joint BS and MS Programs


Desiring to promote mutual understanding, expand scholarly ties, and facilitate academic cooperation, Tsinghua University and University of Michigan (UM) have established three partnership-based accelerated master’s degree programs (AMDP) between SOE, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE),the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) and the School of Public Health (SPH) of UM respectively, to allow SOE undergraduate students to study at UM, and earn a BS and an MS in 5 years.


• Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering

• Bachelor of Engineering in Water Supply and Wastewater Science and Engineering from Tsinghua at the end of the fourth (4th) academic year.

• Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environment(SEAS)

• Master of Science in Environmental Health Sciences (SPH)

• Master of Science and Engineering in Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the end of the fifth (5th) academic year

• Master of Landscape Architecture (SEAS) at the end of the sixth (6th) academic year from UM

Qualification of Applicants

• A preliminary selection of candidates by Tsinghua at the end of applicants second (2nd) year of undergraduate study and based on their academic performance and proficiency in English;

• Successful application and admission as a non-degree undergraduate student to UM , and a completion of all courses required in the third (3rd) year at Tsinghua;

• During the fourth (4th) year, contingent upon satisfactory performance in UM and completion of the bachelor’s degree in Tsinghua, students in the AMDP program may apply to the Rackham Graduate School for admission to one of the following programs:

M.S. program in Natural Resources and Environment (SEAS);

M.L.A. program in Landscape Architecture (SEAS);

M.S. program in Environmental Health Sciences (SPH);

M.S.E. program in Environmental Engineering (CEE).

Course of Study

• During the fourth academic year, students admitted to non-degree status will engage in a full-time course of study that is oriented toward completing both 1) the requirements of the bachelor’s degree at Tsinghua, and 2) earning credits toward the master’s degree at U-M. Students will be required to take a full load of courses (12 credits per term).

• Students submit a thesis, transfer U-M credits to Tsinghua, and complete any other requirements for the bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua.

• During the fifth academic year, students will enroll in the Rackham Graduate School for a minimum of two full terms with a minimum of nine credits per term.


Fall and Winter Semesters of the fourth (4th) / fifth (5th) academic year (per 8-month study)

• Application Fee: $ 75

• Tuition Fees (estimated): $ 55,334

Please visit Costs | University of Michigan Office of Undergraduate Admissions (umich.edu) for more information.

Financial Aid

• SOE Stipend (for the fourth academic year)

Teaching or Research Assistantships

Contact Info

Aina Jiang

International Education Office

School of Environment (SOE) Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China 

E-mail: soe-gep@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62796342