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Tsinghua-ENPC Dual Master's Degree Program


Tsinghua-École des Ponts Dual Master's Degree Program will increase the depth of offerings at SOE of Tsinghua in industrial systems, pollution water management, and wastewater treatment, air pollution control, urban systems, and energy technology while also increasing the breadth of courses available to École des Ponts students. It will be of particular interest to ENPC students wishing to expand their expertise in the several areas of environmental engineering in which SOE is especially strong.


Upon successful completion of the Program, students shall be awarded a Double Degree, the Master of Science in Environmental Science & Engineering issued by Tsinghua and "diplôme d’ingénieur de l’École nationale des ponts et chaussées" issued by ENPC simultaneously.

Course of Study

Students are required to take courses at ENPC for a total of 90 credits and at Tsinghua University for a total of 23 credits, a research thesis in English and oral defense conducted at Tsinghua University are also required. At most 11 credits Specialized Courses can be transferred for Tsinghua degree.

Students of ENPC are recommended to follow the below sequence for the total 2.5-3 years study: the first year at ENPC for course learning, followed by one and a half years at Tsinghua for course learning and a research thesis.

Students of Tsinghua are recommended study sequence of 3 years totally is as follows: one and a half years at ENPC for course learning including a short-term internship ( no less than 3 months), followed by one and a half years at Tsinghua for course learning and a research thesis.


Applicants must apply to and be admitted under normal admissions procedures determined separately by each school. While neither school will be involved in the admissions criteria for the other, administrators at both schools may discuss dual applicants, when appropriate.

For students from ENPC, their application for admission to SOE, Tsinghua should be completed during their first year of study at UNIPD. For students from Tsinghua, their application for admission to UNIPD should be submitted during their third year of undergraduate study at SOE, Tsinghua.

For more information on admission, please visit Tsinghua University Admissions and UNIPD Admissions.


Students participating in the Dual Degree Program shall only pay tuition fees to their home institution. Only supplementary fees (e.g., revenue stamps, regional fees for accommodation, additional compulsory insurance) shall be paid to the host institution. Students are responsible for all their travel, accommodation and living expenses.

Financial Aids

Tuition waived

SOE stipend (up to CNY 2000 per month)

Teaching or Research Assistantships (up to CNY 1400 per month)

The host institution undertakes to facilitate the arrival of the students and to put at their disposal all the existing services and study grants/scholarships, if available.

Contact Info

Marie-Christine BERT

E-mail: marie-christine.bert@enpc.fr

Tel: +33 (0)164153423, +33 (0)608979209

Aina Jiang

International Education Office

School of Environment (SOE)

Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China

E-mail: soe-gep@tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62796342