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English Doctoral Program in Environmental Science and Engineering


Aiming at the development of technical and sustainable solutions that minimize the impact of human activities on the environment, the International Master Program in Environmental Science, Engineering and Management covers the areas of environmental engineering and science, environmental management and planning. The program is research oriented that is designed to train students with solid theoretical and systematic professional knowledge and skills in the field of environmental engineering and management. Normally three to five years are devoted to the completion of the Ph.D.


Doctor of Science in Environmental Science and Engineering

Qualification of Applicants

• Applicants should have a Master's Degree or an equivalent degree to a Master's Degree (or above), majoring in Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental Economics and Management, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, or other relevant fields.

For applicants as Bachelor degree holders who wish to pursue Doctoral degrees, please refer to the below link: /tsinghua/mu_gradadmission/f/yzlxs/yz_lxs_kstzb/view?id=633360

• For NON- English native speakers, ONE of the following language skills conditions shall be met.

a. Major courses in undergraduate period were given in English and this shall be clearly stated in the applicants’ transcripts.

b. Applicants provide the transcript of either TOEFL (minimum 90 for overall score and 23 for writing component) or IELTS (minimum 6.5 for overall score and 6.0 for writing component).


Applicants should complete an Online Application on the website of the THU Graduate Programs Application System for International Students (http://gradadmission.tsinghua.edu.cn) during the designated THU application period.

• Application Schedule (Beijing Time)

1st Round: 8:00 AM Oct 15——17:00 PM Dec 15

2nd Round: 8:00 AM Jan 1——17:00 PM Mar 1

For more information on admission, please access THU Admissions System for International Students (/tsinghua/smu_yz/en/)

Course of Study

During the study for doctoral degree, at least 16 credits are demanded to acquire the degree, which includes at least 4 credits for public compulsory courses, no less 3 credits for basic theory courses, no less than 2 credits for professional basis courses and no less than 2 credits for specialty courses, as well as at least 5 credits for compulsory tasks. Non-degree courses excluded.


• Application Fee: CNY 800

• Tuition Fees: CNY 40000/year

• Accidental Injury and Hospitalization Insurance: CNY 600 /year

• Accommodation on Tsinghua campus, Beijing: CNY 80/day per person for single rooms and AB rooms, CNY 40/day per person for double rooms in student dormitories.

Financial Aid (subject to further selection procedure)

• Chinese Government Scholarship(for more information, please visit https://www.campuschina.org/content/details3_74776.html

• Tuition Scholarships (up to CNY 40000/year)

• Teaching or Research Assistantships (up to CNY 1400/month )

• Top-up scholarship by SOE (up to CNY 2000/month)

• Others

Contact Info

WANG Zejun

International Education Office

School of Environment (SOE) Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China

Email: hjxgs@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: +86-10-62797857